4513 results

Skirving, William, Scott Heron, Craig Steinberg, Alan E. Strong, Cary McLean, Mal Heron, Severine Choukroun, Felipe Arzayus and Andrew Bauman. 2005. Palau Modeling Final Report. NOAA , TNC, AIMS, Australian Government, and MBA Financial Services.

Koror State. 2010. Solid Waste Management in Republic of Palau. PowerPoint presentation. http://www.uncrd.or.jp/content/documents/RT4_03_Palau.pdf .

Richards, Esther. 2012. Waste Management Policies & Practices in Pacific Island Countries & Territories. PowerPoint presentation. Apia: SPREP.

Hoornweg, Daniel and Perinaz Bhada-Tata. 2012. What a Waste: A global review of solid waste management. Urban Development Series Knowlege Papers No. 15. Washington, DC: World Bank.

FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization). 2014. Linking farmers to markets: Realizing opportunities for locally produced food on domestic and tourist markets in Palau

Kitalong, Ann, Maireng Sengebau, and Tiare Holm. 2015. Achieving Resilient Agriculture and Aquaculture: A national policy for strengthening food security in Palau as a priority climate change adaptation measure. Koror: Palau Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change (PACC) program

Palau Energy Office 2017

Appanaitis, Inger. 2013. National Health Profile 2013. Koror: Office of Health Policy Research & Development, Ministry of Health.

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WHO (World Health Organization). 2011. Palau Profile. In: Western Pacific country health information profiles: 2011 revision. Manila: WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific.

US Army Corps of Engineers. 1998. Environmental Impact State for Construction of the Palau Compact Road, Babeldaob Island, Republic of Palau. Honolulu: Department of the Navy.

NISC (Palau National Invasive Species Committee). 2014. Annual Report.

Otobed, Demei and Iosefa A. Maiava. 1994. Republic of Palau: State of the Environment Report 1994. Apia, Western Samoa: South Pacific Regional Environment Programme.

State of Environment Report published in 2004 for Palau.

State of the Environment Report published in 2017

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This document is part of a technical report series on conservation projects funded by the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) and the Conservation International Pacific Islands Program (CI-Pacific)