4545 results

This compilation is the result of a joint effort between the various Government of Nauru departments and sectors including nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) such as Atoll Research Programme and USP Extension Services.

Eleven species of reptiles are reported from Nauru in the first systematic treatment of the herpetofauna. Four of the species are marine; the seven others include six lizards (four geckos, two skinks) and one snake. Gehyra mutilata
(Wiegman), G. oceanica (Lesson), Pelamis platura (Linnaeus), and Ramphotyphlops braminus (Daudin) are recorded on Nauru for the first time. With the exception of Emoia arnoensis Brown & Marshall, which is endemic to eastern

Graph of water temperatures from 1993 to 2021 downloaded from the BOM website

Sealevel data from 1993 to 2021 downloaded from BOM. Graph

An Act to give effect to the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer and for related purposes

A list of tables and graphs providing a summary of CO2, GHG emissions.

The National Meteorology Service was established back in May 2015, under the Ministry of National Emergency Services (NES). Since the establishment we still have one substantive officer responsible for the NMHS. The one man officer is due to the fact that the NMHS centre is still not built. There is no sense to increase employment under NMHS at this time.

Nauru’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) hinges on its National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS) 2005-2025. The Nauru Energy Road Map 2014-2020, The Second National Communication (SNC) to the UNFCCC (submitted in 2015), and The Republic of Nauru Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management Framework (RONAdapt). In addition, relevant data and information have been used from the Nauru Bureau of Statistics and other, various government departments, private and civil society organizations.

The Nauru Energy Road Map (NERM) 2014 - 20201 was developed during 2013 and built upon the energy sector development agenda outlined in the:

Map of the Nauru island landcover, with country-level summary of the different classes.

The map shows the different landcover classes in Nauru Island.

performances of the "SUTRA" and "HST3D" models

The purpose of the Nauru BIORAP was to improve the state of knowledge of marine and terrestrial ecosystems, to provide a scientific basis for the conservation and management of nationally, regionally and globally important ecosystems and species. A particular focus was to identify areas of conservation value and to investigate opportunities for establishing marine and terrestrial protected areas. A fundamental principle is that decision-making should rest with resource owners and communities.

Synthesis Report with Key Findings and Recommendations.

FAO, at the request of its member countries, regularly monitors the world´s forests and their management and uses through the Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA). This country report is prepared as a contribution to the FAO publication, the Global Forest Resources Assessment 2015 (FRA 2015).

With 3.8 million cubic meters of tropical wood exported in 2014, primarily to China, Papua New Guinea (PNG) has become the world’s largest exporter of tropical wood, surpassing Malaysia, which had held the top spot for the
past several decades.

Tropical forestry and logging are complex subjects, encompassing a range of diffi cult issues, including land ownership, the sustainability of natural resources, the impact on climate change, the social and economic impact of logging on isolated and relatively untouched, subsistence sector communities, and the protection of the basic rights of the people concerned.

Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) forests and forestry have played an important role in the livelihoods of the people of the country for many years. Forests have provided a source for food, fruits and nuts, building materials, medicinal plants, habitats for refuge and a wealth of other services.