60779 results

Map showing the different uses that put pressure on the marine environment. This includes among others vessel tracts, fisheries data, protected and restricted areas. Data sources are:
UNEP/CBD/EBSA/WSPAC/1/2. 2011. Compilation of Scientific Information to Describe EBSAs in the Western South Pacific Region.
DSM Tenements: Ministry of Lands and Survey, Solomon Islands
Shipping Routes: Solomon Islands Maritime and Ports Authority (SIPA)
Marine Managed Areas: CTAtlas
Vessel Tracks: Exact AIS

A factsheet explaining marine ecosystem services developed by MACBIO.

Factsheet developed by MACBIO on Economic Valuation of Marine Ecosystem SServices. What are ecosystem services? The case for economic valuation of marine ecosystem servces in the Pacific. How can economic values for ecosystem services be used in decision making in the Pacific?

A factsheet developed by MACBIO on the methods of ecosystem services valuation in the Pacific. Topics explained:
* What are ecosystem services and why are they important in the Pacific?
* How can we value marine ecosystem services in the Pacific?
* Cost based valuation methods.
* Production based valuation methods.
* Revealed preference valuation methods.
* Stated preferences methods.

A factsheet developed by MACBIO covering the topic of Marine Ecosystem Services in the Pacific.
* What marine and coastal ecosystem services exist in the Pacific and why are they important?

PDF file of a presentation by MACBIO on the process and products of the national MESV process in the Solomon Islands. This provides a quick overview of the process itself and the developed material, that are combined in this dataset.

Poster summarizing the values of the marine ecosystem services of Solomon Islands calculated by MACBIO based on data of 2013.

Infographic about the value of Solomon Islands' marine ecosystem services as calculated by MACBIO based on 2014 data.

Full report of the conducted National Marine Ecosystem Service Valuation of Solomon Islands by MACBIO in 2015.

Summary Report of the National Marine Ecosystem Service Valuation of Solomon Islands conducted by MACBIO in 2015.

In the MABCBIO project, ACMCA was taken as focus area for community managed marine protected areas. This report examines the successes, challenges and lessons learned from the Arnavon Islands Community Marine Conservation Area (ACMCA). The objective of this research was to examine the various conservation efforts, methods and approaches applied in the Arnavons and assess what has worked, what has not worked and the main lessons learned.

Poster developed by MACBIO summarizing lessons learned in locally managed marine protected area ACMCA. Language English.

Poster developed by MACBIO summarizing lessons learned in locally managed marine protected area ACMCA. Language Pijin (coming soon)

A direct internet link to the NOAA Coral Reef Watch website

National REDD+ action plan to achieve REDD+ Readiness