80003 results

La zone est extrêmement variée et les enjeux le sont donc également. Toutefois
certains d’entre eux sont présents dans presque tous les sites où le programme
intervient :
Pêches récifales de plus en plus problématiques
Travaux sur l’état de santé des récifs, l’effet des pêches, l’effet des AMP,
éparpillés et peu coordonnés,
Coopération régionale très limitée malgré la similitude des problèmes et
probablement des solutions
Possibilité de renforcer la couverture des AMP dans le Pacifique

 World Intellectual Property Organization

Museums, libraries and archives carry collections of photographs, sound-recordings, films and manuscripts that document indigenous peoples’ and traditional communities’ lives, cultural expressions and knowledge systems. A new awareness has emerged of indigenous peoples’ and traditional communities’ interests in owning, controlling and accessing this documentation. Importantly, this has led to recognition that the management of access and use of collections raises a number of challenges for museums, libraries and archives.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), PROE

The Regional Wetlands Action Plan (RWAP) for the Pacific Islands (SPREP, 1999) was endorsed by the 26 member countries and territories of SPREP. The Action Plan contained 28 priority actions in the areas of management, capacity building, research and monitoring for wetland ecosystems. In 2002, a formal memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands and SPREP to promote the importance of wetland conservation in the Pacific Islands region.