2685 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Executive summary, "ocean resources investigation in the sea area of SOPAC report on the joint basic study for the development of resources, volume 5, sea area of the Republic of Kiribati

 Pacific Data Hub

Executive summary, ocean resources investigation in the sea area of SOPAC, report on the joint basic study for the development of resources", volume 2: sea area of the Republic of Kiribati

 Pacific Data Hub

Bibliography of published and unpublished work in the Lau basin from 1985 to early 1991

 Pacific Data Hub

Report on the economic potential of manganese nodules in the waters of Kiribati including the Gilbert, Phoenix and Line Island groups

 Pacific Data Hub

Ocean minerals - prospects for South Pacific Islands, May 1989

 Pacific Data Hub

Sampling cruise of the Haurei Maru no.2 for manganese nodules and cobalt crusts in the Gilbert Islands area of Kiribati, November 1991

 Pacific Data Hub

Acoustic imaging, seismic and coring study of the Western Solomon sea collision zone, Huon gulf, Papua New Guinea, May 1993

 Pacific Data Hub

Mitigating disasters in agriculture,a discussion paper for the PHALPS conference, Rarotonga, 28 February - 6 March 1996

 Pacific Data Hub

Tenth Pacific regional disaster management meeting - summary record, Centra Auckland airport, New Zealand, 6 - 7 September 2001

 Pacific Data Hub

Mitigating disasters in agriculture, a discussion paper for the PHALPS conference, Rarotonga, 28 February - 6 March 1996

 Pacific Data Hub

Gender, Households, community and disaster management: case studies from the Pacific Islands

 Pacific Data Hub

Requirements for disaster management, information systems, South Pacific region, summary & recommendations, 2 November 1995

 Pacific Data Hub

Review and analysis of requirements for disaster management information systems - South Pacific region, final report, 2 November 1995

 Pacific Data Hub

Operation support plan: Ambae volcano - Vanuatu, 1997

 Pacific Data Hub

Guidelines for community vulnerability analysis, an approach for Pacific Island Countries, March 1998

 Pacific Data Hub

National Disaster Management Plan - Cook Islands, 1997

 Pacific Data Hub

Hazard mitigation plan - Marshall Islands, 1997

 Pacific Data Hub

Master emergency/disaster plan - Palau, 1997

 Pacific Data Hub

National disaster management plan and emergency procedures - Samoa, 1997

 Pacific Data Hub

National disaster management plan - Solomon Islands, 1997