3028 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Main questionnaire sections:
- Individual sections: demographic, education, health status (including disability), Individual expenditure (clothing, communication, kava tobacco alcoho)l, labor force and individual income,
- Household sections: dwelling characteristics (inc energy), assets, home maintenance, vehicles, private travels, household services and taxes, financial support given away, household expenditure (textiles…), ceremonies, remittances received, , primary activities (agriculture, fisheries, livestock, handicraft)

11xpdf 3xxlsx
 Pacific Data Hub

- Household: Dwelling characteristics, water and sanitation access, energy, rubbish, agriculture and fishing, transport, household equipment.
- Individual: Individual characteristics, disability, literacy, technology, education, economic activity, income, narcotics, cultural activity, fertility.

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

A presentation by Imogen Pua Ingram (TE PA MATAIAPO) 2004 or older

 Pacific Data Hub

The scope of the study includes:
- characteristics of establishments;
- infrastructure;
- sales and supplies;
- competition and innovation;
- capacity;
- land and permits;
- security (crime);
- finance;
- business-government relations;
- labor;
- business environment;
- performance.

 Pacific Data Hub

The scope of the study includes:
- characteristics of establishment;
- infrastructure and services;
- sales and supplies;
- degree of competition;
- capacity;
- land and permits;
- innovation;
- crime;
- finance;
- business-government relations;
- labor;
- business environment;
- performance.

 Government of the Solomon Islands

The National Environment Management Strategy will guide the MECDM to address environment issues and promote better livelihoods for the country.

As an environmental policy framework with strategic directions, the NEMS has the potential to strengthen partnerships within sectors and provide opportunities for funding support from donor partners. The NEMS is a sign of commitment by MECDM to ensure national development targets and sector planning activities are carried out coherently, and promote environmental sustainability.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

The New Guinea Challenge - Development and Conservation in Societies of Great Cultural and Biological diversity

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

A list of datasets identified in the training workshop

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

An introduction to the natural history, societies, conservation and
sustainable development of the New Guinea region prepared by CSIRO Australia for the Moore Foundation, 2003 (Section 2 of the Report - The NG challenge)

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Reports on ADB and PNG projects, country strategies, country strategy reviews and Economic outlook for PNG

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

AusAID report on PNG's Development Cooperation Strategy 2006-2010 including details on the strategy, the implementation, monitoring and evaluation as well as background papers

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

The purpose of this Country Strategy Paper (CSP) is to provide the overall framework for EC cooperation with PNG in the context of the support to be provided under the 10th EDF (2008-2013).

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

The Development Bulletin has, for 28 years, been the journal of the Development Studies Network based at the Australian National University. It is an occasional publication providing at least one issue a year. The journal includes commissioned and submitted papers and is available in hard copy or online for free download. Each issue focuses on a specific, topical development theme providing a multi-disciplinary perspective on a range of opinions on development activities, theories, and research. The papers in DB are short and concise with a word limit of 3,500.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 2004 Draft Mid-Term Review Conclusions

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

This Selected Issues paper and Statistical Appendix for Papua New Guinea was prepared by a staff
team of the International Monetary Fund as background documentation for the periodic consultation
with the member country. It is based on the information available at the time it was completed on
May 20, 2004. The views expressed in this document are those of the staff team and do not
necessarily reflect the views of the government of Papua New Guinea or the Executive Board of the

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

It's more than a decade but the issue of reporting on MDG now SDG has become more than
a challenge.
1. Extracting of Data and Overlaying Issues
2. Internal CEPA Databases