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The GEF and UNCCD Secretariats collaborated on this new book to convey how sustainable land management (SLM) practices are helping shape a sustainable future for people and the planet. The book is illustrated with high quality photos donated by the GoodPlanet Foundation and from other sources, to demonstrate how human ingenuity is largely driving innovations in soil, land, water, and vegetation management.

 World Intellectual Property Organization

Museums, libraries and archives carry collections of photographs, sound-recordings, films and manuscripts that document indigenous peoples’ and traditional communities’ lives, cultural expressions and knowledge systems. A new awareness has emerged of indigenous peoples’ and traditional communities’ interests in owning, controlling and accessing this documentation. Importantly, this has led to recognition that the management of access and use of collections raises a number of challenges for museums, libraries and archives.

 Earth in Focus

Biodiversity is more than just the number of animal and plant species in the world. Biodiversity is who we are, what we eat, where we live, what we do and, most importantly, how all of these things come together to form a whole. The preoccupations of our daily lives often blind us to the dangers threatening fragile ecosystems around the globe. But we ignore these threats at our peril, for we are all connected to the many facets of the planet’s diverse ecosystems.

 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

The year 2007 marks the twentieth anniversary of the release ofOur Common Future,commonly known as the Brundtland Report. The need for building environmentalconsiderations into decision making, a central theme in the Brundtland Report, is no longer abold proposition, but a basic necessity.

 Greenpeace International

Papua New Guinea (PNG) hosts some of the world's largest and
last remaining intact forest landscapes. While these forests have always been a haven for biodiversity and provided a livelihood for the millions of people who live in them, it is only in recent years that their importance for carbon storage has come to be fully appreciated.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 32 p.

 Ministry for the Environment

New Zealand's geographic isolation and long period without human habitation allowed a unique natural environment to flourish. Our
environment is known for the richness of its biodiversity, with more than 80,000 native animal, plant, and fungus species. As a result of New Zealand's isolation, much of our flora and fauna are not found anywhere else on earth.

Also available online

Call Number: 333.7 ENV [EL]

ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-478-30194-6

Physical Description: 74 p. ; 29 cm

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Adaptation activities in the Pacific. Lessons learned and best practices identified. Costs of extreme events to Small. Emerging risks and trends identified by climate change scientists

Kept in vertical file collection|Powerpoint presentation

Call Number: VF 6744 ,[EL]

Physical Description: 24 p. ; 29 cm

 Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC)

More than 20 cetacean species are known to exist in the
Pacific Islands Region, which encompasses the U.S. Exclusive
Economic Zone, or EEZ (waters out to 370 km from shore) around
the entire Hawaiian Archipelago. Johnston Atoll. Kingman Reef and Palmyra Atoll. Baker and Howland Islands. Jarvis Island. American Samoa. Wake Island, Guam, and the Commonwealth of the
Northern Mariana Islands, totaling some 5.8 million km2 of ocean.
Many of the species present are poorly studied throughout their

 Mebourne University Press.

The New Guinea mainland and surrounding islands possess an extra-ordinarily rich flora and a great diversity of vegetation types that parallel the diverse physiography of the lands and the resulting climates that prevail. A high proportion (some three-quarters) of the land area has a forest cover,

 Bishop Museum

Effective conservation of regional biotas requires accurate information on the distribution, endemicity, local richness, and taxonomic composition of species assemblages across multiple geographic scales. This is especially true in the Melanesian region, which contains ten percent of the world's biota on its numerous islands scattered across thousands of kilometers between Fiji and the Moluccas. Although certain important biotic components within this region, such as birds, have been reasonably surveyed, many others, particularly freshwater organisms, remain poorly understood.

 Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)

Fishers have changed their methods from wading in the shallows to the use of sail and paddle canoes, and dinghies with outboard motors. This has resulted in greater coverage of the area where sea cucumbers live, more regular fishing, access to remote areas and the capacity to transport greater catches. Loss of much larger numbers of sea cucumbers from many areas as a result of this increased fishing pressure reduces the chances of adults remaining at densities high enough for effective reproduction.

 Environment Australia

This report presents a set of indicators, referred to as the 'core' set. for reporting on the state of the environment across Commonwealth and State and Territory jurisdictions. The core indicators have been developed by the Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council (ANZECC) through an extensive consultation process involving both government agencies and the general public.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

ISBN/ISSN: 0 62419479 3

Physical Description: 96 p.

 Australian National University (ANU)

For the Pacific region, the sources regarding first contacts are essentially accounts written by European travellers. One can quite easily imagine the extent to which these accounts, especially those published in the form of a book which was
intended for a large public, foreground interpretations based on prejudices and preconceptions. Their preconceived views blinded the authors themselves, these first voyagers, and prevented them from understanding the whole range of acts and behaviours of the indigenous population. In particular, several contexts

 International Waters Programme (International Waters Programme (IWP)),  Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Most legislation governing natural resources in Fiji is very old and outdated, and very little attention is given to environmental issues in these statutes. The absence of a legislative environmental policy results in an absence of statutes with an express or implied environmental mandate, while laws governing resource development fail to recognise the environmental basis of natural resources. As a result, legislation provides little in the way of capacity to protect the environment from the impacts of development activities.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP),  International Waters Programme (International Waters Programme (IWP)),  Government of the Kingdom of Tonga

The International Waters Project (IWP) aims to strengthen the management and conservation of marine, coastal and freshwater resources in the Pacific Islands region. It is financed through
the International Waters Programme of the Global Environment Facility, implemented by the United Nations Development Programme, and executed by the Secretariat of the Pacific
Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), in conjunction with the governments of the 14 participating independent Pacific Island countries.

 Worldwatch Institute

Declining bird populations signal disturbing global changes.
Almost 1,200 species—about 12 percent of the world's
9800 bird species—may face extinction within the next cen-
tury. Although many face multiple threats and some bird
extinctions seem imminent, many can be avoided by a deep
commitment to bird conservation as part of a sustainable
development strategy.

full text available on ecopy "FL" field

Call Number: VF 6519,VF 3581,[EL]

ISBN/ISSN: 1-878071-68-8

 University of Guam

This report is an assessment of the status of coral reef ecosystems in Guam from 2002 to 2004. Data on coral reef ecosystems were synthesized from assessments and monitoring programs conducted by local and federal organizations. Included in the report are assessments of the environmental and anthropogenic stressors affecting coral reefs, information on data gathering activities and the condition of coral reef ecosystem resources, a description of current conservation management activities, and overall conclusions and recom-

 Government of Vanuatu

The objective of this study is to provide decision makers in the European Commission and other partner countries with sufficient information to identify European Commission cooperation activities with specific environmental objectives and to establish environmental safeguards for other activities.

5 copies

Call Number: 333.7'9595 MOU,[EL]

Physical Description: 74 pages; 29 cm

 Environmental Protection Agency

Cheloniid turtles are characterised by a complicated life history: their eggs are laid on warm beaches; hatchling sex is determined temperature dependent sex determination during
embryonic development; lack of parental care; hatchlings are imprinted to the natal area; hatchlings disperse to feed on plankton in the pelagic environments followed by inshore
recruitment to feed on benthic organisms; immature turtles have slow growth and delayed maturation; adults migrate to breed in their respective natal area; they lay multiple clutches in

 UNEP Division of Technology, Industry and Economics

Companies all over the world increasingly need to innovate their products and processes to: keep up with competitive pressure; increase productivity within the region or worldwide; defend or expand market share; and to create the ability to attract foreign investments. However, companies in developing economies can be left out of this cycle for a variety of economic and structural reasons.

2 copies + CD|Also available online

Call Number: 338.9 CRU, [EL]

Physical Description: 128 p. ; 29 cm