76 results
 Pacific Data Hub

The Bougainville Do No Harm research confirms that women do not always gain greater empowerment when they bring money into the household because their access to economic resources does not automatically give them control over those resources. Neither is violence towards them reduced. Bringing economic resources into the household may in fact heighten tensions over the expenditure of the resources.

 Pacific Data Hub

The research demonstrated that, in general, women’s increased involvement in community financial management and income generation has not necessarily led to a redistribution of caring work or other unpaid household and community responsibilities.

 Pacific Data Hub

This monograph describes an approach to farmer learning and agricultural extension known as the ‘Family Teams’ approach used in a project to improve the uptake and impact of training and small business development for women smallholder food crop producers in three regions of Papua New Guinea. The Family Teams approach enables farming families to explore issues of gender and culture within families, seeking to encourage more effective, sustainable and gender-equitable farming and business practices.

 Pacific Data Hub

Numerous studies show obvious links between alcohol abuse and violence in Melanesia. In Papua New Guinea, alcohol is incorporated into sociality involving gift exchange and distribution practices associated with the ‘big man’ culture.

 Pacific Data Hub

This short paper reports on planned research in Fiji, the first country in the Pacific to pilot a measure of poverty at an individual level from a gender perspective.

 Pacific Data Hub

The link between women’s economic empowerment and the elimination of violence is pertinent in Papua New Guinea. Significant and persistent gender disparities limit the capacity of all Papua New Guineans to benefit from the country’s wealth of natural and human resources. Highlighting the costs of not supporting women, including those who are living with violence and those who are prevented from progressing in their careers, this short paper confirms the potentially transformative possibilities of gender-sensitive and affirmative action policies within the formal employment sector.

 Pacific Data Hub

This short paper draws on narratives from communities who participated in research in Fiji and Papua New Guinea. The findings suggest that strong gender norms may constrain women’s agency and their ability to be economically independent.

 Pacific Data Hub

Poverty profiles presented in Fiji emphasise income, consumption and expenditure characteristics that are often associated with poverty measurement at a household level. Measurement approaches aggregated by households often obscure the gendered experience of poverty by assuming that aspects of men’s and women’s lives are common, rather than that there are dimensions that are particularly important to women or men.

 Pacific Data Hub

This review looks at major trends in spending (comparing women and men), the chief barriers to women having more income and control of their finances, and the key opportunities for programs to address economic empowerment of women at household and community levels.

 Pacific Data Hub

In Papua New Guinea, it is primarily through being ‘good’ wives, mothers and household managers that women become valued. This situation can leave young women and those who do not become wives and mothers with limited options for gaining respect and a voice, while potentially also constraining the opportunities for women to participate in other spheres.

 Pacific Data Hub

This Thematic Brief provides information and analysis about climate change issues affecting women and girls in the Pacific Islands region. It has been developed by the Support Unit of Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development (Pacific Women). The three key messages provide background to women and climate change issues in the Pacific. They demonstrate the importance of recognising and supporting women’s leadership and decision-making in addressing climate change in the Pacific region.

 Pacific Data Hub

This checklist proposes actions in five specific areas:

- Learn from women’s experience and support their leadership.

- Develop and implement gender-sensitive responses to COVID-19.

- Support women’ economic security.

- Prioritise support to domestic violence survivors.

- Ensure continued access to health services.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Pacific Women Advisory Group on Research is comprised of specialists in gender research expertise who have interest in the Pacific region including representatives of research institutions, development partners, civil society organisations, regional organisations, governments that are engaging in gender research as well as individual research practitioners. Guided by the Research Strategy, the Advisory Group provides advice to Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade on the strategic direction of the Pacific Women research program.

 Pacific Data Hub

This research resource document provides guidance on how to best measure women’s and girls’ empowerment in impact evaluations, based on the experiences of J-PAL affiliated researchers around the world. This research resource document offers practical tips for measuring women’s and girls’ empowerment in impact evaluations. It is designed to support the work of monitoring and evaluation practitioners, researchers, and students.

 Pacific Data Hub

This Strategic Guidance Note explains the background to and international thinking on women’s economic empowerment and then explains how the Market Development Facility programme addresses women’s economic empowerment. It contains three parts:

 Pacific Data Hub

This annual report notes that the eyes of the world were focused on Samoa and the wider region for the Small Islands Developing States Conference and UN Women’s Executive Director, Phumzile Mlambo Nguka’s first visit to the Pacific.
Highlights from the year included:

- The launch of UN Women’s Markets for Change project.

- A highly visible 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence campaign.

 Pacific Data Hub

This short policy brief states women’s empowerment is important because:

- Women’s empowerment contributes to economic growth.

- Marginalisation of women in Pacific island labour markets reduces the labour ‘talent pool’.

- The high level of violence against women is a major barrier to development.

It suggests a number of actions that can be taken:

- Temporary Special Measures to raise women’s political participation can increase women in decision making which can result in broad gains in women’s empowerment.

 Pacific Data Hub

This paper supports the case for a transformative goal on gender equality, women’s rights and women’s empowerment. The case for a stand-alone gender-related goal, as well as addressing gender priorities into each goal, has been actively supported by Pacific Leaders and the women’s movement. The importance of a standalone goal in post-2015 development agenda was evident at the 12th Triennial Conference of Pacific Women held 2013.

 Pacific Data Hub

Women’s economic empowerment is the ability of women to bring about positive changes in their lives and societies as a result of their participation in economic activities. Enhancing women’s economic empowerment is strategic for long-term, equity, growth, and sustainability. UN Women research has shown that improving the economic status of women leads to increased economic activity in communities and positive ripple effects for the whole nation. Marketplaces are key sites for women’s economic empowerment as well as national poverty reduction.

 Pacific Data Hub

Climate change is a real and growing threat to livelihoods, cultures, ecosystems and lives in the Pacific region. Gender and climate change are closely linked issues. Women, girls, boys, and men have different roles and responsibilities within their families and communities. As a result, each of these groups is differently affected by, and has different abilities to adapt to, the effects of climate change; and has different skills and knowledge to contribute.