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 Pacific Data Hub

The Global school-based student health survey (GSHS) is a collaborative surveillance project designed to help countries measure and assess the behavioural risk factors and protective factors in 10 key areas among young people aged 13 to 17 years. The GSHS is a relatively low-cost school-based survey which uses a self-administered questionnaire to obtain data on young people's health behaviour and protective factors related to the leading causes of morbidity and mortality among children and adults worldwide.

 Pacific Data Hub

The 1999 Census of Population and Housing (CPH) of the Republic of Marshall Islands (RMI)) is the tenth census conducted since 1920 and the second since RMI gained independence. The first population census in Marshall Islands was conducted in 1920, after which censuses were conducted every five years up to 1935 when World War II disrupted this pattern. The first census after World War II was in 1958, followed by censuses in 1967, 1973, 1980 and 1988.

 Pacific Data Hub

The principal objective of the Republic of the Marshall Islands 2007 Demographic and Health Survey (2007 RMIDHS) is to provide current and reliable data on fertility and family planning behavior, child mortality, adult and maternal mortality, children’s nutritional status, the utilization of maternal and child health services, and knowledge of HIV and AIDS. The specific objectives of the survey are to:
• collect data at the national level that will allow the calculation of key demographic rates;

 Pacific Data Hub

This research is an Indicator Survey conducted in Federated States of Micronesia from May 14 to Aug. 24, 2009, as part of the Enterprise Survey initiative. An Indicator Survey, which is similar to an Enterprise Survey, is implemented for smaller economies where the sampling strategies inherent in an Enterprise Survey are often not applicable due to the limited universe of firms.

 Pacific Data Hub

The original State Broadband Initiative (SBI) was a part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), which is more commonly referred to as the Stimulus. The SBI's goal was to create a comprehensive broadband map that covered every state and territory in the United States. The uses of the map are manifold: as a tool for consumers, a centralized compilation of information for the federal and state governments to use in matters of regulation and public policy, and as a trove of data for think tanks and research institutions.

 Pacific Data Hub

The key objective of every census is to count every person (man, woman, child) resident in the country on census night, and also collect information on assorted demographic (sex, age, marital status, citizenship) and socio-economic (education/qualifications; labour force and economic activity) information, as well as data pertinent to household and housing characteristics. This count provides a complete picture of the population make-up in each village and town, of each island and region, thus allowing for an assessment of demographic change over time.

 Pacific Data Hub

The 2010 Niue Global school-based student health survey (GSHS) was a school-based survey of students in Forms 1-7.

 Pacific Data Hub

The 2000 Republic of Palau Census of Population and Housing was the second census collected and processed entirely by the republic itself. This monograph provides analyses of data from the most recent census of Palau for decision makers in the United States and Palau to understand current socioeconomic conditions. The 2005 Census of Population and Housing collected a wide range of information on the characteristics of the population including demographics, educational attainments, employment status, fertility, housing characteristics, housing characteristics and many others.

 Pacific Data Hub

The 1996 Papua New Guinea household survey is designed to measure the living standards of a random sample of PNG households. As well as looking at the purchases, own-production, gift giving/receiving and sales activities of households over a short period (usually 14 days), the survey also collects information on education, health, nutrition, housing conditions and agricultural activities.

 Pacific Data Hub

Economy of Papua New Guinea had been in a state of recession since the mid-1990s. The fiscal situation had been compromised by large deficits. Pertinent questions about how effectively social spending was translating into the actual delivery of services had been raised.

 Pacific Data Hub

This survey is part of a multi-country pilot study which combines surveys of primary schools with household and other micro surveys to assess service delivery systems in education, measure performance, and establish a baseline for examining the impact of policy and institutional reforms over time.

Work on the PESD project was launched in late 2001 as part of the World Bank’s analytical work on poverty in PNG. The project was launched in close consultation with the Government of PNG and AusAID.8 Work on the PESD survey started in early 2002.

 Pacific Data Hub

The 2009-2010 HIES collected information on key topics such as family demography, education, health, employment and consumption. The scope of 2009-2010 HIES was broader than the previous survey, with more indicators and more households surveyed, including questions on living standards and other related subject areas. One key goal was to collect data on income and expenditure, and to enable a rebasing of the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

 Pacific Data Hub

The World Bank Group is interested in gauging the views of clients and partners who are either involved in development in Papua New Guinea or who observe activities related to social and economic development. The following survey will give the World Bank Group's team that works in Papua New Guinea, greater insight into how the Bank's work is perceived. This is one tool the World Bank Group uses to assess the views of its stakeholders, and to develop more effective strategies that support development in Papua New Guinea.

 Pacific Data Hub

The survey was conducted in Papua New Guinea from August 2015 to June 2016 as part of Enterprise Surveys project, an initiative of the World Bank. The objective of the survey is to obtain feedback from enterprises on the state of the private sector as well as to help in building a panel of enterprise data that will make it possible to track changes in the business environment over time, thus allowing, for example, impact assessments of reforms.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Country Opinion Survey in Papua New Guinea assists the World Bank Group (WBG) in gaining a better understanding of how stakeholders in Papua New Guinea perceive the WBG. It provides the WBG with systematic feedback from national and local governments, multilateral/bilateral agencies, media, academia, the private sector, and civil society in Papua New Guinea on:

 Pacific Data Hub

v1.2: edited data, second version, for internal use.

* Collection start: 1981
* Collection end: 1981

 Pacific Data Hub

The Census provides a great deal of useful information about demographic, social and economic characteristics of the population.
The 1991 Census counted all persons who were living in Western Samoa on census night. It excluded Western Samoans living in other countries. The 1991 census was processed in house in the newly established Data Processing Division of the Department of Statistics. Two publications of the 1991 census have already been released. The village directory was released in October 1992 and a publication of selected tables in May 1993.

 Pacific Data Hub

This research is an Indicator Survey conducted in Samoa from May 25 to Oct. 9, 2009, as part of the Enterprise Survey initiative. An Indicator Survey, which is similar to an Enterprise Survey, is implemented for smaller economies where the sampling strategies inherent in an Enterprise Survey are often not applicable due to the limited universe of firms.

 Pacific Data Hub

The 2009 Samoa Demograthic and Health Survey (SDHS) is a national survey covering all four regions of the country. The survey was design to collect, analyze, and disseminate information on housing and household characteristic, education, maternal and child health, nutrition, fertility and family planning, gender, and knowledge and behaviour related to HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections (STI).

 Pacific Data Hub

The intention is to collect data for the calendar year 2009 (or the nearest year for which each business keeps its accounts. The survey is considered a one-off survey, although for accurate NAs, such a survey should be conducted at least every five years to enable regular updating of the ratios, etc., needed to adjust the ongoing indicator data (mainly VAGST) to NA concepts.