393 results
 Marshall Islands Conservation Society

GIS layer files used to create Maps showing wave-inundation and heavy rainfall flood risk for communities in Ebeye-KWAJ; Bouj, Mwonkubok, Mwonnin, Tobikle, Guugeegue, Santo, and Ebadon. Other data files, such as electricity lines, poles, and transformers were used as other hazards that might contribute to flooding. Data shared by Giardino et. al., MEC John Aikuj, IOM, Ebeye Community

 Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD

Looking at pressures of development on freshwater, this article argues that the future survival of small island states and their societies also greatly depends on managing the impacts of development.

 Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD

This country snapshot provides a selection of national environment statistics, complemented by key economic and social indicators and documented by the United Nations Statistics Division.

 Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD

This review updates and builds on the reviews conducted in the early 2000s under the International Waters Project. The review is for information purposes only. It is not intended to be a complete source of information on the matters it deals with.

 Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD

An 'Act' to amend the Environment Act 1999 of Kiribati. Amendments were made in 2007

 Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD

This plan is not focused on improving infrastructure (pipes, pumps, tanks), it is about people can do with the resources that they have. It is focused on building Island Level capacity to manage drought by improving communication and guiding the actions that can be taken before the worst effects of drought occur – this will help to improve the quality of life in Abaiang villages during drought. These measures need to be taken at a village and household level and this plan will help the villages decide what actions to take before and during drought.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Territorial Sea of the United States of America By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation of 27 December 1988 states the extension of the territorial sea of the United States of America, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the United States Virgin Islands, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and any other territory or possession over which the United States exercises sovereignty.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Contiguous Zone of the United States - Proclamation by the President of the United States of America, 2 September 1999 proclaims the extension of the contiguous zone of the United States of America, including the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the United States Virgin Islands, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and any other territory or possession over which the United States exercises sovereignty, as follows: The contiguous zone of the United States extends to 24 nautical miles from the baselines of the United States determined in accordance with in

 Pacific Data Hub

Based on the Samoa Maritime Zones Order 2017 which repealed the Maritime Zones Order 2014, the points to be used for
determining the outer limits of the territorial sea are 12 nautical miles from the baseline. The list of the coordinates are stated under the Samoa Maritime Zones Order 2017.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Maritime Zones, 1999, No. 18 25 August 1999(1) which repealed the The Territorial Sea Act, 1971, and the Exclusive Economic Zone Act, 1977 states that the contiguous zone of Samoa comprises that part of the sea within 24 nautical miles from the baseline from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Maritime Zones Act 2013 states that the exclusive economic zone of Niue comprises those areas of the sea,
seabed and subsoil that are beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea having as their outer limits a line measured seaward from the baseline, every point of which line is not more than 200 nautical miles from the nearest point of the baseline.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Maritime Zones Act 2013 states that the contiguous zone comprises those areas of the sea that are beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea, having as their outer limits a line measured seaward from the baseline, every point of which is distant 24 nautical miles from the nearest point of the baseline.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Proclamation of 12 August 1997 provides the geographical coordinates for Nauru’s contiguous zone as declared under Sea Boundaries Act 1997. The geographical coordinates are expressed in terms of the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84), which is a geocentric reference ellipsoid having a major (equatorial) radius of 6,378.137 metres and a flattening of 1/298.257 223 563.

 Pacific Data Hub

Under the Legal Notice No. 41 of 1979: Declaration of Archipelagic Baselines (The Delimitation of Marine Waters Act (No. 32 of 1978)), the Declaration of Archipelagic Baselines for the Solomon Islands are defined in geographical co-ordinates UTM WGS 84 system.


 Pacific Data Hub

The Maritime Zone Notification ( M.Z.N.149.2019.LOS) deposited by France contains lists of geographical coordinates of points, pursuant to article 16, paragraph 2, article 75, paragraph 2, and article 84, paragraph 2, of the Convention and describes the Decree No. 2019-320 of12 April 2019 which contains the list geographical coordinates of points concerning the outer limits of the territorial sea of Wallis and Futuna Islands.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Maritime Zone Notification ( M.Z.N.149.2019.LOS) deposited by France contains lists of geographical coordinates of points, pursuant to article 16, paragraph 2, article 75, paragraph 2, and article 84, paragraph 2, of the Convention and describes the Decree No. 2019-320 of12 April 2019 which contains the list geographical coordinates of points concerning the outer limits of the territorial sea of Wallis and Futuna Islands.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Solomon Islands EEZ layer was extracted from the Global Marine Regions platform (https://www.marineregions.org/)

 Pacific Data Hub

The Republic of Vanuatu Maritime Zones Act No 6 of 2010 states that an exclusive economic zone of the Republic of Vanuatu is established beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea of Vanuatu. It goes on to say that:

(a) the exclusive economic zone boundaries with other States is to be effected by agreement on the basis of international law as referred to in Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, in order to achieve an equitable solution; or