162 results
 Pacific Data Hub

This record holds Majuro's average solar resource  (kWh/m2/day). Data is extracted from Marshall Islands Renewables Readiness Assessment (RRA), and the original data source is from NASA website. Note: This is a graphical extract from the RMI RRA Report by IRENA.

 Pacific Data Hub

Kiribati power statistics for 2010 - 2013. Data produced by the Kiribati Public Utility Board, sourced through the Kiribati Enery Planning Unit.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Pacific Women Regional Learning Forum on Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) aimed to:

- Contribute to and build Pacific understanding and knowledge of women’s economic empowerment and approaches.

- Build on regional research, practitioner expertise and the experiences of women in the region to adapt and improve the Pacific Women approach to WEE.

- Strengthen relationships between development partners working on WEE and catalyse increased communication and more coordinated action.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report summarises the workshop approach, objectives, key learning outcomes and participant recommendations of the third Pacific Women and Fiji Women’s Fund Fiji Annual Reflection and Planning Workshop.

The workshop objectives were to:

- Enable Fiji Government, civil society and stakeholders to reflect on overall progress and key issues to advance gender equality in Fiji.

- Update grantees of the Fund on findings from its six-monthly report analysis.

 Pacific Data Hub

This factsheet identifies factors the factors that encourage and discourage boys from staying in school.

‘Push’ factors include: • Embarrassment of shame.

- Family issues.

- School punishment.

- Culture norms and practices.

- Peer pressure and personal issues.

- A desire by some boys to make money.

- Limited accessibility.

‘Pull’ factors include:

- Opportunities to participate in fun activities.

- Family support.

- Encouragement from friends.

- Positive teacher attitudes.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Voter Education Project was targeted at the ‘lost generation’ of Bougainville (people aged 35 to 45 years). Over 20 months, the Bougainville Women’s Federation and International Women’s Development Agency provided education about voting rights and responsibilities to 22,463 women and female youth, including 206 with disabilities and 21,368 men and male youth, including 383 with disabilities and another 53 people with disabilities. These voters were able to use these skills in the 2017 Papua New Guinea national elections.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report details data from 6,176 icidents of gender-based or sorcery accussation-related violence collected by seven women’s and human rights defenders’ organisations working across five provinces in Papua New Guinea. These organisations provide safe houses, counselling and crisis support to survivors of violence. The data analysis seeks to understand the type of violence inflicted, who is affected and who are reported as the perpetrators.

 Pacific Data Hub

This major research study into sorcery accusation-related violence in Papua New Guinea found that over the past 20 years, an average of 72 people per year are victims of sorcery accusation-related violence of which an average of 30 people per year have been killed. This is likely to significantly under-represent the true number of incidents, as this number only reflects those reported in the media and in court reports.

The paper describes the characteristics of the incidents, victms and perpetrators and records both the state and non-state responses to the violence.

 Pacific Data Hub

Poverty data in Fiji is derived from household income and expenditure data, collected via periodic Household Income and Expenditure Surveys. Given gender inequality within households can be significant, assessing individual poverty by using household data and then assuming all household members have the same access to resources and opportunities is problematic. Household-level measurement also means accurate disaggregation of data is impossible. This makes the work of policy makers and advocates harder, masking differences rather than revealing them so they can be addressed.

 Pacific Data Hub

To better understand the nature and availability of counselling services for gender-based violence, a survey involving a self-assessment questionnaire was conducted to map counselling service providers across 14 Pacific Island countries. This was followed up with 47 key stakeholder interviews and nine focus group discussions. In-country consultations were also conducted in Fiji and Vanuatu. Fiji was selected because it has a wide range of counselling services and Vanuatu was selected as it provided an opportunity to review a model for delivering services across a dispersed island group.

 Pacific Data Hub

This volume critically interrogates the relation between gender violence and human rights as Fiji, Papua New Guinea nad Vanuatu and their communities and citizens engage with, appropriate, modify and at times resist human rights principles and their implications for gender violence. It is grounded in extensive anthropological, historical and legal research.

Chapter titles are:

- Villages, Violence and Atonement in Fiji.

- ‘Lost in Translation’: Gender Violence, Human Rights and Women’s Capabilities in Fiji.

 Pacific Data Hub

This study analysed a random selection of 908 cases from seven Pacific Island countries, including 111 domestic violence cases and 787 sexual assault cases. Each case is analysed to determine whether gender stereotypes, customary reconciliation (e.g. apology, forgiveness) or other contentious factors were considered during sentencing. Contentious factors are those factors which, when used in mitigation by the court, discriminate against the victim on the basis of her gender.

 Pacific Data Hub

This short paper details a pilot project using mobile phones to record and report data about accusations of witchcraft at funerals. The pilot is part of a growing body of work that uses mobile phones to collect and record data in environments that are otherwise difficult to reach, and for a wide range of purposes, including health, education, agriculture and development. The project also shares important features with conflict-mapping programs which use mobiles phones to track and map outbreaks of violence.

 Pacific Data Hub

The 2015 Bougainville election saw a record number of women candidates, and a record number of women were elected. While one in three open constituencies had at least one woman candidate, overall the results for most women in the open seats were disappointing.

This paper reports on an in-depth study of women candidates in the 2015 Bougainville election: their profiles, motivations and campaign strategies. It analyses the impacts of three issues that emerged as common themes in discussions around women’s participation in political decision making in Bougainville:

 Pacific Data Hub

Samoan women have achieved approximate equality to men in most modern spheres of government and the economy, but have never succeeded in winning more than five seats in the 49-seat parliament. Samoa has been among the countries ranked lowest in the world for women’s representation in parliament: in 2015 it ranked 128 out of 140 countries.

This comprehensive research consisted of:

- A nationwide survey of women’s participation in political and economic village-based organisations, covering all villages and sub-villages in Samoa.

 Pacific Data Hub

Papuan perspectives on family planning have historically emphasised political concerns that reflect the tensions between the Indonesian state and indigenous rights – Papuans have questioned both the need for them to limit their population size and the propriety of the state to intervene in their reproductive matters. Family planning in Indonesia is said to have stagnated, and rates of contraceptive use in Tanah Papua (the western half of the island of New Guinea, currently comprising the Indonesian provinces of Papua and West Papua) are considerably lower than the Indonesian average.

 Pacific Data Hub

This research project was aimed at synthesising and integrating various experiences and perspectives on poverty held both by poor women and men and by professional poverty experts. The project team began with a review of the professional knowledge contained in the vast multidisciplinary literature on gender and poverty, gender and development, and gender-sensitive measures of poverty.

 Pacific Data Hub

The issue of sorcery and witchcraft-related accusations and violence in Papua New Guinea is receiving increasing attention domestically and internationally. A growing body of literature is also focusing on the issue, providing non-government organisations, donor agencies, and the Papua New Guinea government with an evidence base for addressing the problem in locally appropriate ways. Little of the literature, however, deliberates upon the perpetrators of these violent attacks.

 Pacific Data Hub

This short paper reports on planned research in Fiji, the first country in the Pacific to pilot a measure of poverty at an individual level from a gender perspective.

 Pacific Data Hub

Poverty profiles presented in Fiji emphasise income, consumption and expenditure characteristics that are often associated with poverty measurement at a household level. Measurement approaches aggregated by households often obscure the gendered experience of poverty by assuming that aspects of men’s and women’s lives are common, rather than that there are dimensions that are particularly important to women or men.