58 results
 Pacific Data Hub

This record holds RMI vehicle imports for 2006 - 2012. Data was provided by RMI Customs via Energy Planning Division. Vehicle imports are categorised by USED, BRAND NEW and the Total Imported Vehicles. 

 Pacific Data Hub

This record captures the vehicles imported by Palau between 2009 - 2013. Data is produced and sourced from the Palau Customs Office. Vehicle type captured here includes: public transport type, for transport of persons and goods and others. Other details captured are quantity, and freight on board charges. The dataset is comprehensive and captured on a monthly basis.

 Pacific Data Hub

Palau transport data. Data collected by Mr Herbet Wade, consultant for the SPREP PIGGAREP Transport Energy for Islands Study Project.  Data collected in 2012, purpose of the project is to collect transport data of all sectors & determine how renewable sources & ultimately technology can be used to offset fuel imports. 

 Pacific Data Hub

This record holds the registration of Marshall Island's public vessels by different categories. These are fishing vessels, passenger boats, cargo boats, mixed boats (passenger & cargo). Data was obtained from the Ministry of Transport & Communication via the RMI Energy Planning Division. This is record as of July 2015.

 Pacific Data Hub

Fiji Islands transport data. Data collected by Mr Herbet Wade, consultant for the SPREP PIGGAREP Project. Record holds several attachments. The objective of this project is to assess what is available in the Pacific Islands countries (PIC), identify and determine how renewable sources & ultimately technology can be used to offset fuel imports and lastly what mechanisms is appropriately applicable towards having an Energy efficient program towards the fuel design. Data collected involved transport of all sectors.

 Pacific Data Hub

Herewith the distribution of vehicles registerd in Fiji from 2001-2018. Registered vehicles on a yearly basis as at 31st December and quarterly basis from 2016 - 2018.

Vehicles registered are catergorised as:

- Private Cars

- Taxis

- Rental and Hire cars,

- Goods Vehicles - Light and heavy goods vehicles including vans, trucks, pick-ups, ambulances and fire engines

- Buses - Minibuses are also included

- Government vehicles

- Carriers and

 Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD

The objective of this study is to determine the available coconut resources in the Line group and analyse the technical, economic, social, institutional, environmental feasibility of producing coconut oil on Kiritmati Island and use it as a fuel substitute in power generation and transport .

 Pacific Data Hub

The Census provides a unique source of detailed demographic, social and economic data relating to the entire population at a single point in time. The most fundamental questions it will answer concern the size and distribution of the entire population, the extent to which men and women participate in the economy, and the nature of housing and household facilities.

 Pacific Data Hub

Durant la période septembre 1982 à mai 1983, la DTSEE de Nouvelle-Calédonie a réalisé une enquête socio-économique6 visant à mieux appréhender les conditions de vie des ménages et déterminer la structure de leurs dépenses afin d’établir un indice des prix de détail à la consommation. Un échantillon de 377 ménages sur l’ensemble du Territoire a été enquêté, soit un taux de sondage de 20% (1 ménage sur 5).

 Pacific Data Hub

This record captures Samoa's vehicle registration from 2000 - 2013. Data is sourced from Samoa Land Transport Authority (LTA) via the Samoa Ministry of Finance - Energy Division. Dataset captures the total registered and newly registered vehicles. Vehicles classified as private cars, pick ups, trucks (10/12 wheels), trucks (6 wheels), machineries, van, buses, taxis design, motor cycles & others.

 Pacific Data Hub

This record captures Kiribati transport data. Data was collected by Mr Herbet Wade, consultant for the SPREP PIGGAREP Project.  Data collected in 2012, purpose of the project is to collect transport data of all sectors & determine how renewable sources & ultimately technology can be used to offset fuel imports. This record holds several attachments:

  • vehicle imports,
  • outboard motor oil imports,
  • engine oil imports,
  • boats imports for the period 2008 - 212 and
  • fuel sales from gas stations. 
 Asian Development Bank

Various report by Asian Development Bank across various sectors in Papua New Guinea

 Asian Development Bank

PAcific Transport

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Ozon Depletion substances in PNG

 Pacific Data Hub

International Merchandise Trade Statistics for the Pacific island countries and territories since 2000, per year, primary partner area, trade flow, mode of transport to the border and type of commodity.

_Find more Pacific data on [PDH.stat](https://stats.pacificdata.org)._

 Pacific Data Hub

The 2010-2011 Survey on Employment and Unemployment is intended to be part of a regular on-going exercise to obtain comprehensive national data on employment and unemployment that is not normally obtained through the Bureau's Annual Employment Survey, which tends to focus on formal sector employment.

The survey contains information on employment, unemployment, under-employment conditions, urban/rural disaggregation of employment, gender disaggregation, and other social disaggretation like ethnicity, age, industries and occupations.

 Pacific Data Hub

The purpose of the Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) survey is to obtain information on the income, consumption pattern, incidence of poverty, and saving propensities for different groups of people in Kiribati. This information will be used to guide policy makers in framing socio-economic developmental policies and in initiating financial measures for improving economic conditions of the people.

 Pacific Data Hub

Durant la période juin 2005 mai 2006, le Service Territorial de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STSEE) de Wallis et Futuna a réalisé une enquête socio-économique visant à mieux appréhender les conditions de vie des ménages et déterminer la structure de leurs dépenses afin d'établir un indice des prix de détail à la consommation.