346 results
 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE),  Samoa

Data sets hosted on Pacific Catastrophe Risk Assessment and Financing Initiative

 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE),  Samoa

A direct internet link to access all the publications by MNRE - This includes environmental - related legislation and the ministry's annual reports.

 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE),  Samoa

Two Million Trees campaign to support forest restoration, forest recovery, forest resilience and promoting green livelihood of Samoans.

 Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment,  Climate Change,  Disaster Management and Meteorology

reports, photographs, surveys , aerial photographs of the ranadi landfill site

 Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment,  Climate Change,  Disaster Management and Meteorology

This contains awareness materials,presentations and promotional materials in the form of photographs, posters, brochures, pull up frame banners, videos and reports.

 Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment,  Climate Change,  Disaster Management and Meteorology

Reports, photographs, spread sheets,pdf files.

 Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment,  Climate Change,  Disaster Management and Meteorology

This contains reports, photographs, pdf,jpeg data on the J-PRISM II Project.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

The number of multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) and institutions has grown steadily over the last few decades. The work taking place under these agreements and within these institutions is increasing in volume and specificity, and it is having an increasingly substantive impact, particularly as there is an increasing focus on practical implementation.

This edition of the Multilateral Environmental Agreement Negotiator’s Handbook principally to respond to the need for a practical reference tool to assist in addressing the many complex challenges in such negotiations.

 Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment,  Climate Change,  Disaster Management and Meteorology

The Solomon Islands National Waste Management and Pollution Control Strategy 2017-2026 is the country's roadmap for managing waste and controlling pollution in the natural environment for the next 10 years with the vision for clean, healthy and green happy isles. The strategy addresses 5 main waste streams: Solid Waste, Liquid Waste, Hazardous and Chemical Waste, Healthcare Waste and Electronic Waste.

 Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment,  Climate Change,  Disaster Management and Meteorology

Dataset containing all published State of Environment Reports for Solomon Islands in the previous years and the current draft 2018.

 Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment,  Climate Change,  Disaster Management and Meteorology

PEBACC - Pacific Ecosystems-based Adaptation to Climate Change - is a five year project funded by the German government and implemented by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) to explore and promote ecosystem-based options for adapting to climate change. The overall intended outcome of the project is: Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) is integrated into development, climate change adaptation and natural resource management policy and planning processes in three Pacific island countries providing replicable models for other countries in the region.

 Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment,  Climate Change,  Disaster Management and Meteorology

The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants is an international treaty that requires Parties to phase-out and eliminate the production and use of the most persistent and toxic chemicals that have adverse impacts on human health and the environment.
Solomon Islands acceded to the Convention on 28 July 2004. Under Article 7 of the Convention, the Solomon Islands Government (SIG) is required to develop and endeavour to implement a National Implementation Plan (NIP), outlining how its obligations under the Convention will be met.

 Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment,  Climate Change,  Disaster Management and Meteorology

The NDS 2016-2035 maps out a strategic direction for the future development of Solomon Islands.

 Pacific Data Hub

Global EEZ layer are the layers gathered from gazetted datasets that the Pacific Community (SPC) has received from the project countries. In areas where there are no gazetted datasets provisional layers are being sourced from the Global Marine Regions database (https://www.marineregions.org/).

There are two layers available, he .shp file layer and the .kml layer which are being used by partners and member states in particular FFA for the Regional Fisheries Surveillance Center (RFSC).

 Pacific Data Hub

Global EEZ layer are the layers gathered from gazetted datasets that the Pacific Community (SPC) has received from the project countries. In areas where there are no gazetted datasets provisional layers are being sourced from the Global Marine Regions database (https://www.marineregions.org/).

There are two layers available, the .shp file layer and the .kml layer which are being used by partners and member states in particular FFA for the Regional Fisheries Surveillance Center (RFSC).

 Pacific Data Hub

Global EEZ layer are the layers gathered from gazetted datasets that the Pacific Community (SPC) has received from the project countries. In areas where there are no gazetted datasets provisional layers are being sourced from the Global Marine Regions database (https://www.marineregions.org/).

There are two layers available the .shp file layer and the .kml layer which are being used by partners and member states in particular FFA for the Regional Fisheries Surveillance Center (RFSC).

 Pacific Data Hub

The Maritime Zones Act (MZA) 2018 for Cooks Islands repeals the Territorial Sea and Exclusive Economic Zone Act 1977, (Act No. 16 of 14 November 1977). It states that the territorial sea comprises of those areas of the sea;
(a) having as their inner limits the breadth of the territorial baselines and is measured from the low-water mark along the coast of the Cook Islands or where there is coral reef along any part of the coast of the Cook Islands, the low-water mark along the outer edge of the coral reef.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Maritime Zones Act (MZA) 2018 for Cooks Islands repeals the Territorial Sea and Exclusive Economic Zone Act 1977, (Act No. 16 of 14 November 1977). It states that the exclusive economic zone comprises of those areas of the sea, seabed, and subsoil that are beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea having, as their outer limits, a line measured seaward from the territorial sea baseline, every point of which is distant 200 nautical miles from the nearest point of the baseline.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Maritime Zones Act (MZA) 2018 for Cooks Islands repeals the Territorial Sea and Exclusive Economic Zone Act 1977, (Act No. 16 of 14 November 1977). It states that the contiguous sea comprises of those areas of the sea that are beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea having, as their outer limits, a line measured seaward from the territorial sea baseline, every point of which is distant 24 nautical miles from the nearest point of the baseline.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Territorial Sea and Exclusive Economic Zone Act 1977, Act No. 28 of 26 September 1977 as amended by Act No. 146 of 1980 defines the territorial sea of New Zealand as those areas of the sea having, as their inner limits, the baseline which is measured from the low-water mark along the coast of New Zealand, including the coast of all islands and, as their outer limits, a line measured seaward from that baseline, every point of which is distant 12 nautical miles from the nearest point of the baseline.