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 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

This thesis applies an approach of political ecology to analyze environmental change in the Cook Islands in the context of the fiscal crisis of the state in the 1990's. Questions and methods from both human and physical geography are brought to the empirical case. Corruption and financial management surrounding a hotel development on Rarotonga, Cook Islands presents a case of "criminal ecology" This research finds that the Pacific

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

The impetus tor developing this Guide came primarily from two situations. Firstly, the enormity of the Asian Tsunami disaster in 2004-2005 right on Australia's doorstep, and the inability of the renewable energy community to donate goods and services, highlighted a need to develop an understanding of a pathway with the aid and disaster relief organisations to overcome this situation.

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Call Number: [EL]

ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-9803518-1-1

Physical Description: 82 p.

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

The Takitumu Conservation Area was created in 1996 on the island of Rarotonga in the Cook Islands. Its main purpose is to conserve biodiversity for the benefit of present and future gen-
erations. Only local people own the land and its resources. Ecotourism will be the area's main economic activity. A guided nature walk has been organized with landowner agreement and

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Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 4 Pages

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

Tuvalu is a nation of low-lying coral atolls and is presently listed by the LIN as one of the least-developed of nations, with GDP per capita estimated at $US 800 in 1995 (CIA. 2000).
Tuvalu is essentially bereft of natural resources, with the exception of those provided by the sea. A major component of
Tuvalu economy is income generated by licensing international fisliing vessels to operate within the nation's EEZ.

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Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 8 Pages

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

The guidelines provide advice on watching whales and dolphins in the wild, including observations from the land, water or air as well as activities such as swimming and diving, feeding, touching, and making noise. They are relevant to all Australian
waters (Commonwealth, State and Territory) and cover all people watching whales and dolphins including both commercial operators and the general public.

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Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 20 p.

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

Estimates vary but Nauru has probably been occupied for at least 3000 years. Although the people are considered Micronesians. the island was probably discovered by different ethnic groups at different times - there are indications of both Melanesian and Polynesian influences - and their descendents combined to form today's ethnic Nauruans. The language of Nauru is unique and gives few hints of its origins. Traditional Nauru society
is matrilineal and is based on 12 tribal grouping.

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Call Number: [EL]

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

This report presents the results of field studies of the National Forest Inventory. Details of the survey methodology and coverage are provided and summaries of results are presented.

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

Mangroves are very special and unique trees.Mangroves are among the few trees that can grow in sea water as well as in places where the saltwater mixes with the fresh water from the land.
Mangroves grow in places with muddy soil and a protected shoreline. They live in large groups called "mangrove forests".
The mangrove forest is home to many different types of plants and trees.

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Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 4 Pages

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change have committed themselves to considering the special needs and concerns of developing countries resulting from the adverse effects of climate change in the area of insurance. The needs of small island states have been are highlighted for attention, due to their unique geographic features and exposure, and thus unique vulnerability.

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Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 49 p.

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

In World Resources 2005 we have argued that environmental income is the wealth of the poor, with the potential to provide not just subsistence but a path out of poverty if the right gover-
nance conditions prevail. In many communities, this argument is borne out every day, in on-the-ground, village-level experience.

Available online|Village by Village: Recovering Fiji's coastal fisheries|Restoring coastal resources by linking traditional conservation practices with modern techniques to create locally managed marine areas. p.144

Call Number: [EL]

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

The development of a National Energy Policy Framework for Vanuatu is of high priority. Given the high dependence of Vanuatu on imported petroleum fuels and their associated escalating prices, it is imperative for the Government to put in place a national energy policy framework that not only address the adverse impacts of such high prices on the economy and the people but also provides a long term development plan for the energy sector. The ultimate goal is the provision of reliable
and affordable energy services to all people in Vanuatu.

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