9 results
 Pacific Data Hub

This report summarises the workshop approach, objectives, key learning outcomes and participant recommendations of the third Pacific Women and Fiji Women’s Fund Fiji Annual Reflection and Planning Workshop.

The workshop objectives were to:

- Enable Fiji Government, civil society and stakeholders to reflect on overall progress and key issues to advance gender equality in Fiji.

- Update grantees of the Fund on findings from its six-monthly report analysis.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Voter Education Project was targeted at the ‘lost generation’ of Bougainville (people aged 35 to 45 years). Over 20 months, the Bougainville Women’s Federation and International Women’s Development Agency provided education about voting rights and responsibilities to 22,463 women and female youth, including 206 with disabilities and 21,368 men and male youth, including 383 with disabilities and another 53 people with disabilities. These voters were able to use these skills in the 2017 Papua New Guinea national elections.

 Pacific Data Hub

This is a global annual report for the UN Trust Fund to End Violence againts Women. Global statistics include:

- 1 in 3 women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual imtimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence.

- About 7 % of women have been sexually assaulted by someone other than their partner.

- More than 125 million women and girls alive today have undergone some form of female genital mutilation.

- More than 700 million women worldwide alive today were married before their 18th birthdays.

 Pacific Data Hub

This annual report notes that the eyes of the world were focused on Samoa and the wider region for the Small Islands Developing States Conference and UN Women’s Executive Director, Phumzile Mlambo Nguka’s first visit to the Pacific.
Highlights from the year included:

- The launch of UN Women’s Markets for Change project.

- A highly visible 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence campaign.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report focuses on the experiences of adolescent pregnancy and motherhood. It highlights the challenges that adolescent mothers face when pregnant and as mothers.

Over the last decade, young women’s fertility rates (ages 15-19) across the Pacific have declined in eight countries. However, in five countries (Marshall Islands, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu) rates have remained high, at over 50 of births to women 15-19 years per 1,000 women 15-19 years.

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific Women program activities support the Bougainville Gender Investment Plan, which prioritises the following objectives:

- Reducing family and sexual violence and assist survivors of violence.

- Strengthen women’s leadership.

- Improve women’s economic opportunities.

This report includes the following highlights:

 Pacific Data Hub

This report contains highlights for the Pacific Women in Papua New Guinea program, including the conclusion from the mid-term evaluation that the program is on track to achieve its objectives, and that the program uses evidence to inform policy and practice.

Other highlights include:

 Pacific Data Hub

This report contains population and demographic data and development profiles for 15 Pacific countries.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Solomon Islands study shows that violence against women is prevalent:

- 64% of ever-partnered women aged 15–49 reported experiencing physical or sexual violence, or both, by an intimate partner.

- Women in Solomon Islands are more likely to experience severe forms of physical partner violence, such as punching, kicking, or having a weapon used against them, rather than just moderate violence.

- 56% of women aged 15–49 who had ever been in a relationship reported experiencing emotional abuse by a partner at least once.