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 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

Some presentations refer to the term Marine Managed Area (MMA) instead of Marine Protected Area (MPA) in order to cover more management options. The workshop proposed and adopted a rough typology of MM As that will be useful to communicate with the key decision makers (land use planners, coastal zone planners and managers, regional planners, protected area planners and managers, community leaders, sectorial planners in fisheries and environment...)

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 28 p.

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

Who are we? UN Environment’s specialist biodiversity assessment centre, based in Cambridge, UK

Available online|Powerpoint presentation

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 16 p

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

Traditional way of life in the pacific islands in the expression of each and everybody's identity. The link between people and their natural habitat, living and unliving things is key to someone's social status, relationship to other member of its community and existence in the world. The session shall look at the importance of traditional knowledge and its relation to the environment as a way to protect existing biodiversity and thus ensuring that the cultural heritage of Pacific Island population i preserved.

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

Following the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, the governments of the Asian and Pacific region have, within certain limitations and constraints, drawn up and implemented national strategies, action plans and programmes to attain the objectives of sustainable development. The international, regional and subregional organizations have developed their respective action programmes to assist the governments in their efforts. There were also some common problems and transboundary issues that lent themselves to action at the regional and subregional levels.

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

The report on a new regional institutional framework was commissioned by the Pacific Plan Action Committee (PPAC). The aim in doing so was to present the report to Pacific Islands Forum Leaders at their October 2006 meeting, after PPAC had considered it in August 2006 in Nadi,Fiji Islands.

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

The main map shows that higher population densities occur (i) around and inland from major coastal towns, (ii) in the elevated PNG Highlands (H) and the Baliem Valley (B) of Papua, and (iii) along most of the coasts of the mainland and major islands. The distributions of inhabited places and of annual fires reveal that people and their effects are widely dispersed across much of the landscape. However, vast landscapes in the upper catchments of the Mamberamo River (M) in Papua and in parts of the upper Fly River (F) and Sepik River (S) in PNG remain sparsely inhabited.