490 results
 Pacific Data Hub

The novel coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented crisis globally. Under the slowdown in economic activity due to the protective measures enacted by governments around the world, global GDP is expected to contract by 5.2 percent, with per capita incomes in most emerging and developing countries forecast to shrink; potentially pushing many millions into poverty and deepening deprivation. In Papua New Guinea, the socio-economic impacts of these measures are coumpeded by geographic dispersion and isolation, weak institutions and unequal access to services for vulnerable populations.

 Pacific Data Hub

A strong evidence base is needed to understand the socioeconomic implications of the coronavirus pandemic for the Solomon Islands. Round 1 (out of 5) interviewed 2,650 respondents across the country in late June 2020 on topics including awareness of COVID-19, employment and income, food security, coping strategies, and public trust and security.