80970 results

Download Sustainable Development Goal 10 - Reduced Inequalities data

Download Sustainable Development Goal 09 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure data

Download Sustainable Development Goal 08 - Decent Work and Economic Growth data

Download Sustainable Development Goal 07 - Affordable and Clean Energy data

Download Sustainable Development Goal 06 - Clean Water and Sanitation data

Download Sustainable Development Goal 05 - Gender Equality data

Download Sustainable Development Goal 04 - Quality Education data

Download Sustainable Development Goal 03 - Good Health and Well-Being data

Download Sustainable Development Goal 02 - Zero Hunger data

Download Sustainable Development Goal 01 - No Poverty data

Download Sustainable Development Goals (all) data

Download Government Revenue Statistics data

Download Reserves data

Download Public debt data

Download Persons held in prisons data

Download Pacific aid and development finance data from the Lowy Institute data

Download Overseas visitor arrivals data

Download Olympic games data

Download National Minimum Development Indicators (NMDI) for Fisheries, Aquaculture, Agriculture and Forestry data

Download NEET - Youth not in education, employment or training (15-24 years) data