80963 results

Download Pocket summary (latest available value per year) data

Download Selection of indicators from the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys programme (MICS) for PICTs data

Download Civil Registration Completeness within 12 months of Birth or Death data

Download Vital statistics data

Download Vital statistics data

Download International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS) data

Download COVID-19 economic lead indicators data

Download Kava data

Download Civil Registration Completeness within 12 months of Birth or Death data

Download Population living in low elevation coastal zones (0-10m and 0-20m above sea level) data

Download Population densities data

Download Coastal population (1, 5 and 10km from coast) data

Download Population structure by age data

Download Overseas visitor arrivals data

Download Gross Domestic Product for Pacific Island Countries and Territories data

Download Kava data

Download International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS) data

Download Household counts, population and average household size data

Download Government Finance Statistics data

Download E-Government development index data