6 results
 Pacific Data Hub

- HOUSEHOLD: dwelling characteristics, source of water, energy, cooking fuel, commodities owned, expenditure, income;
- INDIVIDUAL: demographic characteristics, economic activity, education, health, expenditure, income.

12xxlsx 3xzip 13xpdf 2xxls
 Pacific Data Hub

-HOUSEHOLD: Dwellin characteristics, Lighting, Water access, Sanitation, Dwelling tenure, Agricutlural assets, Expenditure, Income.
-INDIVIDUAL: Individual characteristics, Health, Education, Labour force, Income, Allowances.

4xxls 9xdoc 12xpdf
 Pacific Data Hub

-PERSONS: income and employment of individuals, including wage and salaries, self-employment, business activities, education, health.
-HOUSEHOLDS: dwelling characteristics, housing expenditure, household operations, clothing and footwear, education and health expenditure, and food expenditure.
-EXPENDITURE ITEMS: total annual expenditure on commodity and utility items, type of expenditure and type of item.

18xpdf 4xxls 2xxlsx
 Pacific Data Hub

-Population: Population's relationship, marital status, religion, residence, origins, education, work status, location of workplace, number of days / hours worked, distance from work, satisfaction at work, migration and income.
-Households: Living quarters conditions, water & electricity & lighting & toilet access and household durable.

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 Pacific Data Hub

-MENAGE: Caracteristiques du menage; Biens du menage; Entretien; Voyages; Service; Ceremonies; Flux financiers; Betail; Agriculture.
-INDIVIDU: Caracteristiques des individus; Education; Sante; Handicap; Communication; Alcool et tabac; Activities economiques; Peche et chasse; Artisanat.

 Pacific Data Hub

The survey was conducted during December 2006, following an initial mini census listing exercise which was conducted about two months earlier in late September 2006.
The objectives of the HIES were as follows:
a) Provide information on income and expenditure distribution within the population;
b) Provide income estimates of the household sector for the national accounts;
c) Provide data for the re-base on the consumer price index;
d) Provide data for the analysis of poverty and hardship.
