20 results
 Pacific Data Hub

-Population: Population's relationship, marital status, religion, residence, origins, education, work status, women's characteristics (on children given birth to)
-Housing: Living quarters and its conditions, water and electricity access, sanitation, waste disposal, household durables and livestock & pets

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 Pacific Data Hub

Individual: Relationship to Head of household, ethnicity, residential status, sex, age, marital status, labour force information, education, communication, consumption.

Household: consumption, income, payments, home production, housing characteristics, utilities, communication, vehicles.

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 Pacific Data Hub

Herewith the distribution of vehicles registerd in Fiji from 2001-2018. Registered vehicles on a yearly basis as at 31st December and quarterly basis from 2016 - 2018.

Vehicles registered are catergorised as:

- Private Cars

- Taxis

- Rental and Hire cars,

- Goods Vehicles - Light and heavy goods vehicles including vans, trucks, pick-ups, ambulances and fire engines

- Buses - Minibuses are also included

- Government vehicles

- Carriers and

 Pacific Data Hub

Transport statistics published by the Fiji Bureau of Statistics. Record captures:

  • 2001 - 2016 Distribution of vehicles registered annually by type as at 31st December

Data downloaded from: http://www.statsfiji.gov.fj/statistics/other-statistics/registered-vehicles

 Pacific Data Hub

Transport statistics published by the Fiji Bureau of Statistics.

Record captures:

  • 2001 - 2016 Vehicles newly registered annually by type
  • 2015 - 2017 Distribution of vehicles registered by type on a quarterly basis

Data downloaded from: http://www.statsfiji.gov.fj/statistics/other-statistics/registered-vehicles

 Pacific Data Hub

The following PDF document captures the quarterly fuel retail prices in Fiji for the period 2016. 

 Pacific Data Hub

The following PDF document captures the quarterly fuel retail prices in Fiji for the period 2014. Reports captured covers the 3rd and 4th quarter of the fuel price order and including the the first three LPG Price determinations.

 Pacific Data Hub

The following PDF document captures the quarterly fuel retail prices in Fiji for 2013.

 Pacific Data Hub

The following PDF document captures the monthly and quarterly fuel retail prices in Fiji from January 2006 to April 2012.

 Pacific Data Hub

Detailed census 2007 release & tables (in PDF format). Downloaded from http://www.statsfiji.gov.fj/index.php/2007-census-of-population

Attached in this record are the following:

 Pacific Data Hub

2008 - 2009 HIES conducted by the Fiji Bureau of Statistics. HIES surveys are a convenient and perhaps the only means of obtaining socio-economic information needed for the formulation of Government's economic and social plans and policies.

Downloaded from http://www.statsfiji.gov.fj/index.php/census-and-surveys/47-census-and-surveys/population-census/124-2008-2009-household-income-and-expenditure-survey-hies

 Pacific Data Hub

Transport statistics published by the Fiji Bureau of Statistics. Record captures:

  • 1995 - 2013 Vehicles newly registered
  • 1970 - 2012 Distribution of vehicles registered annually by type

Data downloaded from: http://www.statsfiji.gov.fj/index.php/other-statistics/52-other-statistics/transport/126-distribution-of-vehicles-registered-in-fijias-at-31-december

 Pacific Data Hub

Dataset captures Fiji petroleum product volume imports & re-exports) from 2000 - 2014. Data sourced directly from the Fiji Bureau of Statistics. Data captures HS Code, SITC, country or import or export, quantity, unit and value. Table below shows the specific codes for each petroleum product.

 Pacific Data Hub

Fiji Islands transport data. Data collected by Mr Herbet Wade, consultant for the SPREP PIGGAREP Project. Record holds several attachments. The objective of this project is to assess what is available in the Pacific Islands countries (PIC), identify and determine how renewable sources & ultimately technology can be used to offset fuel imports and lastly what mechanisms is appropriately applicable towards having an Energy efficient program towards the fuel design. Data collected involved transport of all sectors.

 Pacific Data Hub

Work is part of the SOPAC Regional assitance to the countries on wind advisory.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Disasters, and therefore disaster response, in the Pacific are expected to be affected by climate change. This research addressed this issue, and focused on the immediate humanitarian needs following a disaster, drawing upon adaptive capacity as a concept to assess the resilience of individual organisations and the robustness of the broader system of disaster response..

Four case study countries (Fiji, Cook Islands, Vanuatu and Samoa) were chosen for deeper investigation of the range of issues present in the Pacific.

 SPREP Environmental Monitoring and Governance (EMG)

The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation completed field research for one of the largest coral reef studies in history: the Global Reef Expedition. The Expedition travelled around the globe surveying some of the most remote reefs on the planet, conducting research to assess coral reef ecosystem health and resiliency.

The Global Reef Expedition visited many countries in the Pacific Ocean to assess the health and resiliency of their coral reef ecosystems. See links below for more information, reports and maps.

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 Pacific Data Hub

Work is part of the SOPAC Regional assitance to the countries on wind advisory.

 Pacific Data Hub

The objectives of Census changed over time shifting from earlier years where they were essentially household registrations and counts, to now where a national population census stands supreme as the most valuable single source of statistical data for the Fiji.
Census data is now widely used to evaluate:
- The availability of basic household needs in key sectors, to identify disadvantaged areas and help set priorities for action
- Benefits of development programmes in particular areas, such as literacy, employment and family planning;

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Background of Environment Management Act.

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