2184 results
 NEPC - National Environment Protection Council,  Palau

Data on protected areas network (PAN)

 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources,  Environment & Tourism,  Palau

Data on Palau's Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) including information on Ecological conditions of coral-reef and seagrass for marine protected areas in Palau

 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources,  Environment & Tourism,  Palau

Data on Palau's Drinking Water including the status, water quality and water assessments

 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources,  Environment & Tourism,  Palau

Data on Drinking Water Quality in the Pacific Island Countries including Palau

 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources,  Environment & Tourism,  Palau

Data on land use change and its impacts on environment

 OERC - Environmental Response and Coordination,  Palau

Data and Palau's modelling reports on coral bleaching and other marine threatening events

 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources,  Environment & Tourism,  Palau

Data on Solid Waste Management in Palau

 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources,  Environment & Tourism,  Palau

Waste Management Policies & Practices in Pacific Island Countries including Palau

 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources,  Environment & Tourism,  Palau

Reviews of Solid Waste Management

 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources,  Environment & Tourism,  Palau

Data on Linking Farmers to Markets in Palau

 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources,  Environment & Tourism,  Palau

Data on Policies for Food security

 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources,  Environment & Tourism,  Palau

Information and Data on Palau's Energy resources

 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources,  Environment & Tourism,  Palau

Data on Palau's National Health including anuual reports, reviews and other documents

 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources,  Environment & Tourism,  Palau

Data on the Palau Compact Road

 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources,  Environment & Tourism,  Palau

Data on Alien Invasive Species in Palau including scientific and annual reports, reviews and policies

 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources,  Environment & Tourism,  Palau

This dataset hosts Palau's State of Environment (SOE) reports.

 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources,  Environment & Tourism,  Palau

Socio-economic Baseline Studies in Palau including reports on Koror, Ngchesar, Ngiwal, Peleliu and Ngaraard States including the Ebiil Marine Protected Area (MPA).

 OERC - Environmental Response and Coordination,  Palau

A report that outlines the status of endemic plants of Palau resulting from a population inventory of specific species with a focus on taking a close look at a few poorly known species while simultaneously aiming to progress knowledge on a broader scale.

 NEPC - National Environment Protection Council,  Palau

Palau National Energy Policy
Government of the Republic of Palau
August 2010
Palau Energy Office and MPIIC
Funded through SPC and the European Union

 NEPC - National Environment Protection Council,  Palau

The Vision of the draft National Aquaculture Strategy is to: Contribute to achieving sustainable economic development in Palau through environmentally responsible aquaculture. It lays out the rationale for 5 specific objectives. The strategy was produced with assistance from the FAO.