105 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Hear from women and men in the Pacific underscoring the need for continuous momentum of moving from push of adopting to implementing family protection laws. Members of the Pacific Women Advisory Board reflect on the its contribution over the first half of the 10-year commitment.
The Pacific Women Advisory Board provides advice on the strategic direction of Pacific Women, assists in connecting the program with other influential leaders in the Pacific and advocates to support gender equality in the Pacific.

 Pacific Data Hub

Hear from women and men in the Pacific highlight the importance of reflecting diversity in all areas of development. This includes meeting the needs of people with disabilities. Members of the Pacific Women Advisory Board reflect on the its contribution over the first half of the 10-year commitment.
The Pacific Women Advisory Board provides advice on the strategic direction of Pacific Women, assists in connecting the program with other influential leaders in the Pacific and advocates to support gender equality in the Pacific.

 Pacific Data Hub

Hear from women in the Pacific explaining the benefits of gender equality interventions that are tailormade in, and for, the region. Members of the Pacific Women Advisory Board reflect on the its contribution over the first half of the 10-year commitment.
The Pacific Women Advisory Board provides advice on the strategic direction of Pacific Women, assists in connecting the program with other influential leaders in the Pacific and advocates to support gender equality in the Pacific.

 Pacific Data Hub

Her Excellency Hilda Heine, President of the Republic of the Marshall Islands (Office of the President, Republic of the Marshall Islands), shared some welcome remarks via video for the Pacific Women Regional Learning Forum on Women's Economic Empowerment

 Pacific Data Hub

Produced for the Pacific Women Regional Learning Forum on Women's Economic Empowerment, 'Working For Change' set the scene for three days of discussion. The seven-minute video highlights a range of women's experiences of economic empowerment programs.

 Pacific Data Hub

Interviewees share some achievements of their organisations, supported by Pacific Women, reflect on progress since 2012 and share their visions for the future.
This video is part of a broader initiative to capture the expanse of experience, lessons learned and groundbreaking gender transformative approaches under Pacific Women, a series of knowledge products have been developed. This knowledge will guide future gender equality initiatives through Pacific Women Lead.

 Pacific Data Hub

In a first for the Pacific, several country-specific video animations are available about the safety of women and children in their homes during the current COVID-19 pandemic response. This is the regional animation.
The animations address domestic and family violence which typically increases during times of crisis such as COVID-19.

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development highlights the Australian Government's commitment to equality and empowerment of women in the region. It is a 10 year $320 million program striving for the full and free participation of Pacific women in political, economic and social life. Natasha Stott Despoja provides an overview of the program.

 Pohnpei State NGO

Invasive Species Taskforce of Pohnpei (iSTOP) strives to enhance and preserve the natural biodiversity of Pohnpei State through collaborative efforts at all levels of our society while cooperating with neighboring states and countries to identify, prevent, and eradicate or manage/control invasive species.

 Department of Environment,  Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM),  FSM
 Climate Change Directorate

harvesting fresh water using minimal urban technologies in Ailuk

 Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

There are not perfect data which describe the distribution and abundance of every marine habitat and species in the Pacific. And certainly not at a scale that is useful for national planning in the ocean. Bioregionalisation, or the classification of the marine environment into spatial units that host similar biota, can serve to provide spatially explicit surrogates of biodiversity for marine conservation and management. Existing marine bioregionalisations however, are at a scale that is too broad for national governments in the Pacific to use.

 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment

A snapshot of e-waste information (2012) for Nauru as cited on the 'Step E-waste' online portal

 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment

Graph from OurWorldInData

 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment

Map of the Nauru island landcover, with country-level summary of the different landcover classes and designation.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Download from IUCN www.iucnredlist.org on 2nd of April 2019

 Department of Environment,  Tonga

Several GIS file types illustrating Tongan Coral reef geomorphic structure
Data originally produced by Millennium Coral Reef Mapping Project validated maps provided by the Institute for Marine Remote Sensing, University of South Florida (IMaRS/USF) and Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD, Centre de Nouméa), with support from NASA.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

PNG's forest cover loss 2000-2017 downloaded from [www.globalforestwatch.org](https://www.globalforestwatch.org/)

From 2001 to 2017, Papua New Guinea lost 1.28Mha of tree cover, equivalent to a 3.0% decrease since 2000, and 158Mt of CO₂ of emissions.

 Vanuatu GIS Working Group

GIS survey exercise to weather radar as part of the training in Port-Vila with SPREP team. 

 Vanuatu GIS Working Group

Fisheries GIS Exercise as part of the training in Port Vila