2112 results
 PNG Department of Education

The belief that illness, death and misfortune of all sorts is frequently caused by the deliberate interventions of individuals with special powers or magical knowledge is pervasive throughout Melanesia. As a result, sorcery and witchcraft beliefs and practices exert a powerful influence on many aspects of day-to-day life, as well as being significant vectors for community tensions, conflict and violence.

 PNG Department of Education

A four-week mission was undertaken in Papua New Guinea to evaluate the work of the National Cultural Council and the Provincial Cultural Centres and the relationships between them, and to advise on the development of cultural centres with special regard to their structures, functions and programmes, as well as to their coordination.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

This is an economic evaluation of the compensation to which Papua New Guinea’s customary landholders -
wrongly dispossessed through Special Agricultural Business Leases (SABL) - might be entitled if they successfully sued the government. The evaluation involves the calculation of commercial loss but also, and probably more importantly, economic equivalent value loss. The framework identifies the relevant heads of value (not just priced transactions) and demonstrates appropriate methods for valuation. It does not pretend to be a price calculator but rather a tool for advocacy.

4xpdf 2xdocx
 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

This volume reports the results of studies carried out in the Southern half of the Simbu Province of Papua New Guinea (Fig. 1.0 by the Simbu Land Use Project (SLUP) between 1980 and 1982.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Massive overhunting of wildlife for meat across the humid tropics is now causing local extinctions of
numerous species. Rural people often rely heavily on wild meat, but, in many areas, this important source of
food and income is either already lost or is being rapidly depleted. The problem can only be tackled by looking at
the wider economic and institutional context within which such hunting occurs, from household economics
to global terms of trade. Conservation efforts must be placed within a landscape context; a mosaic of hunted

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Escalating anthropogenic impacts on tropical biodiversity have increased the vulnerability of endemic species. Selective harvesting of species is one of the major threats to birds and mammal species in the tropics. Many indigenous cultures, however, have long established cultural associations with certain species. The hunting and trade of species have been mainly for subsistence and socio-cultural ties within their communities.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Hunting is a major driver of biodiversity loss, but a systematic large-scale estimate of hunting-induced defaunation is lacking. We synthesized 176 studies to quantify huntinginduced declines of mammal and bird populations across the tropics. Bird and mammal abundances declined by 58% (25 – 76 %) and by 83% (72 – 90%) in hunted compared to unhunted areas. Bird and mammal populations were depleted within 7 and 40 km from hunters’ access points (roads and settlements). Additionally, hunting pressure was higher in areas with better accessibility to major towns where wild meat could be traded.

 PNG Department of Education

THE present paper discusses a form of social classification which may be referred to provisionally as sex affiliation. The essence of it is that male children are classed with their father's group and female children with their mother's. I shall first endeavour to give an account, in its more or less relevant aspects, of the social organization of the people among whom this sex affiliation is practised; after that we may discuss the practice itself in greater detail and consider its implications.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

The Kokoda Initiative is a partnership between the Government of Papua New Guinea and Australia to sustainably develop and protect the Kokoda Track and the surrounding Owen Stanley Ranges. The Initiative reflects the strong commitment of both governments to continue to enhance the quality of life of communities living along the track, to protect the environment, cultural values and to keep the track open and well managed.

This dataset contains all studies conducted related to Kokoda Iniative.

 PNG Department of National Planning & Monitoring

The proposed Sustainable Highlands Highway Infrastructure Program (SHHIP) is envisaged as a ten- year, multi-partner, multi-tranche financing facility aiming to restore and upgrade the Highlands Highway in Papua New Guinea (PNG). The executing agency is the PNG Department of Works (DoW). The initial climate screening of SHHIP using AWARE determined the Investment Program to be at medium risk to climate and climate change. As a result, ADB procedures require that a climate risk and vulnerability assessment (CRVA) be undertaken during the design stage.

 Asian Development Bank

The gross domestic product (GDP) of Papua New Guinea (PNG) grew at an annual average rate of nearly 7% between 2007 and 2010, and is expected to perform even better in 2011. Moreover, the economy remained unaffected even at the peak of the global economic crisis, when most other major Southeast Asian and Pacific economies recorded low or negative GDP growth rates. Sound macroeconomic management in the recent past and planned initiatives such as the PNG LNG Project indicate that the economy will continue to perform well in the medium to long run.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

This technical note is intended to support climate risk assessment (CRA) experts, in particular, those undertaking the early stages of project development. Time and resources could be saved by attaching this document to terms of reference issued to CRA consultants. However, there is a limit to which globally accessible, open source
data can meet the detailed information needs of local adaptation projects. This note supplements rather than replaces efforts to gather relevant climate information from government agencies and counterparts, especially during the project concept phase.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

The Economics of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the Coral Triangle (EFACT) is the first report of its kind that consolidates primary and secondary information on fisheries and aquaculture using a regional lens and analytical tools from economics. The EFACT is an output of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) technical assistance—Regional Cooperation on Knowledge Management, Policy, and Institutional Support to the Coral
Triangle Initiative (CTI).

 Asian Development Bank

The economic growth outlook for developing Asia remains vibrant. AsianDevelopment Outlook 2018 foresees continued momentum after growth accelerated to 6.1% in 2017. The region is expected to expand by 6.0% in

 Climate Change and Development Authority in PNG

The 14 developing member countries (DMCs) of the Pacific Department of the Asi an Development Bank (ADB) cover a wide diversity. Populations range from the top three countries, representing 87% of the region’s population, to the remaining 11 countries, with a total of less than 1.5 million people. The region covers 15% of the globe’s surface, with remote countries ranging from large single landmass entities to smaller countries covering over 900 islands.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

In Papua New Guinea (PNG), many coastal communities depend on mangroves for their livelihood. Mangrove trees have been harvested over generations for construction materials and firewood. Mangroves provide a habitat for fish, crabs, shellfish, birds, and reptiles. Mangroves also provide a natural defense against storm surges, coastal erosion, and coastal flooding. An analysis conducted by government’s limate Change and Development Authority (CCDA) has highlighted community-based mangrove planting as a cost-effective measure for coastal communities.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Papua New Guinea is committed to the establishment of a network of marine protected areas
to fulfil national and international commitments. In order to assist this, the conservation
priority areas analysis identified a range of areas of high conservation interest in the PNG
marine environment, based on the principles of comprehensiveness, adequacy,
representation and resilience (CARR). The analysis collated available national-scale data on
biodiversity features and biodiversity surrogates.

 Papua New Guinea Forest Industries Association (Inc)

The Monitor provides an update of developments in Pacific economies and explores topical policy issues.

 Asian Development Bank

Various report by Asian Development Bank across various sectors in Papua New Guinea
