199 results
 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Comparisons of the countries with the largest forest areas (representing 90% of the global primary forest area reported to FRA, 2015

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Figures are for wild and ranched species of both freshwater
and saltwater crocodiles

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Tonda Wildlife Management Area on the southern extremity of Papua New Guinea’s border with Indonesia is PNG’s largest and oldest conservation area and its only Ramsar site. For over 20 years it has been managed by a committee of indigenous leaders drawn from 20 village communities. While this group has provided strong local level protection of land, lack of support to the committee has meant that the full potential of community management has not been realised. Furthermore threats on a regional and international scale cannot be easily
dealt with by current community institutions.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

The Tonda Wildlife Management Area (WMA) is the only Ramsar site in the south Pacific region outside Australia. It was declared a Ramsar site on 23rd March, 1993 because it is believed to support internationally significant populations of both resident and migratory shorebirds and waterbirds and is probably an important staging point for shorebirds during migration between eastern Australia and the breeding grounds in eastern Russia.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

This is Papua New Guinea's National Ramsar Report to the Conference of Partties 13th meeting (COP 13) 2018.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

ExxonMobil PNG Limited (EMPNG) is committed to safeguarding biodiversity in areas where the company operates and, in particular, the biodiversity values in the Upstream area of the Papua New Guinea Liquefied Natural Gas (PNG LNG) Project. The Biodiversity Strategy and this Biodiversity Implementation and Monitoring Program outline how impacts on biodiversity will be assessed and managed.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Vol 1. Policy Statement to Promoting a Viable Population and Environment within the Paradigm of Responsible Sustainable Development.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

This Protected Areas Policy Implementation Plan (PAPIP) aims to guide organizations, agencies and resource owning communities of Papua New Guinea (PNG) to collaborate and harmonize their sustainability efforts towards developing new protected areas (PA) in PNG.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

PNG government want a responsible sustainable use of the natural and cultural resources of the country for the benefit of the present and future generations. The central theme of this new development road map presented by StaRS is to shift the country’s socio-economic growth away from the current unsustainable growth strategy that it is following and towards a road map that is truly responsible, sustainable and able to place PNG in a competitive, advantageous position into the future.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

The country has submitted its latest report using the PRAIS portal for the UNCCD. It is the latest report that was being submitted.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Download from IUCN www.iucnredlist.org on 2nd of April 2019

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

The WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society Program) is the longest established international conservation NGO within PNG, and has been undertaking conservation work in the country since the 1970s. The vision of WCS PNG is: “Gutpela sindaun, gutpela solwara, gutpela bus”, which translates to, “Empowered people with healthy forests and seas”.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

A series of handbooks (Vol 1 - Vol 3) pertaining to the flora of Papua New Guinea. The aim was to document the diversity of plants so that the conservation status of the species which make up the various communities can be monitored more accurately.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

The island of New Guinea hosts the third largest expanse of tropical rainforest on the planet. Papua New Guinea—comprising the eastern half of the island—plans to nearly double its national road network (from 8,700 to 15,000 km) over the next three years, to spur economic growth. We assessed these plans using fine-scale biophysical and environmental data. We identified numerous environmental and socioeconomic risks associated with these projects, including the dissection of 54 critical biodiversity habitats and diminished forest connectivity across large expanses of the island.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

FAO, at the request of its member countries, regularly monitors the world´s forests and their management and uses through the Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA). This country report is prepared as a contribution to the FAO publication, the Global Forest Resources Assessment 2015 (FRA 2015).

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Carettochelys insculpta Ramsay 1886 – Pig-Nosed Turtle, Fly River Turtle

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Agency and the « Avatar » narrative at the Porgera gold mine, Papua New Guinea

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Rapid Marine Biodiversity Assessment of Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea—Survey II (2000)
