67 results
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Guidelines, brochures, Indicators and published work on the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity which is an international treaty governing the movements of living modified organisms (LMOs) resulting from modern biotechnology from one country to another.

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 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

A Pacific information brief from the Pacific Invasives Partnership (a working group of the Roundtable for Nature Conservation in the Pacific Islands)

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

The UN Biodiversity Lab is an online platform that allows policymakers and other partners to access global data layers, upload and manipulate their own datasets, and query multiple datasets to provide key information on the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and nature-based Sustainable Development Goals.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

This dataset hosts 31 individual environmental indicator assessments that are in the **State of Environment and Conservation in the Pacific Islands : 2020 Regional report.**

Regional indicators are used to understand the current status of conservation in the region and to establish a process for periodic reviews of the status of biodiversity and implementation of environmental management measures in the Pacific islands region.

Each Pacific regional indicator is assessed with regard to:

 Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment,  Climate Change,  Disaster Management and Meteorology

This contains awareness materials,presentations and promotional materials in the form of photographs, posters, brochures, pull up frame banners, videos and reports.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

A guiding presentation on a series of regional dialogue seminars and field visits held in order to raise awareness, capacity and identify opportunities for effective policy coherence, implementation and mainstreaming of nature-based solutions at the national level.

 Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD

This integrated and vulnerability assessment takes a Whole of Island Approach which aims to address capacity constraints in Kiribati’s outer islands and to strengthen coordination among partners at the national level, local government level and community level

 Department of Environment,  Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM),  FSM

This dataset contains the following Action Plans:
1. FSM National and States Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP 2002),
2. FSM National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (FSM NBSAP 2018-2023)
3. Pohnpei Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (Pohnpei BSAP 2018)
4. Kosrae Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (Kosrae BSAP 2018)
5. Chuuk Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (Chuuk BSAP 2018)
6. Yap Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (Yap BSAP 2018)

 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources,  Environment & Tourism,  Palau

This dataset hosts Palau's State of Environment (SOE) reports.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Combating land degradation through integrated land management

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

The BioRAP Toolbox constitutes a complex series of computer programs (ANUDEM, ANUSPLIN, ANUCLIM, PATN and TARGET). This was first assembled in 1994 – 1995 by the Environment Resources Information Network (ERIN), Great Barrier Reef Management Park Authority (GBRMPA), Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies (CRES) of Australian National University and CSIRO (Division of Wildlife & Ecology).

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

PNG is signatory to number of Multilateral Environmental Agreements and UN Conventions, in which CEPA administers 14 of them. The treaties focuses mainly on biodiversity, climate, wastes& pollution.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP),  Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre,  Indian Ocean Commission,  The Commonwealth

A priority for Small Island Developing States (SIDS) is
effective planning and financing of actions to address
the impacts of climate change. This paper examines the
vital role that regional institutions play in sharing SIDS
relevant approaches and knowledge, and in delivering
specialist skills and knowledge to support national
efforts. It goes on to highlight the work of the Climate Resilient
Islands Partnership, which links the Caribbean,
Indian Ocean and Pacific Regions, and is working to

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

The status of the peka on Niue, population survey of the flying fox, pteropus tonganus

Population estimation|Hunter information

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: Available online


Situated between Fiji to the west and Samoa to the northeast, the Kingdom of Tonga (referred
to as Tonga) is comprised of 171 scattered islands of which less than 50 are inhabited. The islands are
mainly composed of limestone formed from uplifted coral. Current critical environmental concerns have
arisen due to deforestation; damage to coral reefs and the introduction and spread of invasive alien
species. Anthropogenic pressure has resulted in extensive modification of all ecosystems on the

 Biological Diversity Advisory Committee

On 20 November 2006 the Biological Diversity Advisory Committee (BDAC), whose role it was to advise the then Australian Government Minister for the Environment and Heritage, held a one day workshop in Canberra on climate change and invasive species’ impacts on biodiversity. Eight talks were given, followed by a session of free discussion. Most attendees were experts from government departments, universities, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and cooperative research centres (CRCs).

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

This report examines the role of the ecosystem services in reducing the vulnerability of the people of the Pacific Islands to climate change. Specifically, it describes the decision-making frameworks and the current state of knowledge of specific ecosystem-service/development relationships that are relevant to EbA.

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

Natural disasters such as hurricanes, cyclones, and tropical depressions cause average annual direct losses of US$284 million in the Pacific. With a combined population of fewer than 10 million people, annual losses are the highest in the world on a per-capita basis. Extreme weather events such as heavy rainfall are closely linked to climate change, suggesting that Pacific Island nations face increasing risk of disasters such as flooding and landslides. Proactive management through infrastructure development, social solutions, and/or ecosystem-based adaptation can mitigate these risks.

 Cell Press

Island conservation programs have been spectacularly successful over the past five decades, yet they generally do not account for impacts of climate change. Here, we argue that the full spectrum of climate change, especially Island conservation programs have been spectacularly successful over the past five decades, yet they generally do not account for impacts of climate change. Here, we argue that the full spectrum of climate change, especially sea-level rise and loss of suitable climatic conditions, should be rapidly integrated into island biodiversity research and management.