19177 results
 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC signs MOU with Melbourne fire and emergency services; Dr. Langi Kavaliku addresses the SOPAC council; Disaster management training for the Solomon Islands; Tsunami workshop outcomes receives support; the Wainimala integrated catchment management pl

 Pacific Data Hub

Snap 29, November 2004; SOPAC awarded a certificate of merit at the 2004 sasakawa award; review of Niue disaster management arrangements; leadership seminar for Pacific Island disaster managers; EVI reviewd by independent experts

 Pacific Data Hub

Snap 30, December 2004; completion of the Pacific report on the implementation of the Yokohama strategy and plan of action; disaster management training for Vanuatu

 Pacific Data Hub

Snap 31, February 2005; the 2nd world conference on disaster reduction - a positive step forward for the Pacific region; global EVI presented to SIDS international meeting; SOPAC assists the Marshall Islands to review their National hazard mitigation pla

 Pacific Data Hub

Snap 32. March 2005; the economic impact of natural disasters on development in the Pacific and the net benefits of disaster risk management measures; disaster management training for the Marshall Islands; community based disaster risk management course

 Pacific Data Hub

Snap 33, April 2005; building the resilience of nations and communities to disasters-Pacific framework for action 2005-2015; high level review team visits the Kingdom of Tonga; exercise management course to be conducted

 Pacific Data Hub

Snap 34, June 2005; report on the 12th Pacific regional disaster management meeting

 Pacific Data Hub

Snap 35, July 2005; launch of research report: the economic impact of natural disaster on development in the Pacific; disaster management trainaing for Tonga; joint EMA/SOPAC visit to Kiribati and Nauru; Samoa hosts national disaster management workshops

 Pacific Data Hub

Snap 36, August 2005; draft strategy developed for enhancing early warning for Pacific island countries; strengthening disaster management and mitigation in the Cook Islands; tsunami awareness kit; disaster management training for Cook Islands;

 Pacific Data Hub

Snap 37, September-October 2005; formation of the Pacific islands fire service association; disaster management training for Kadavu, Fiji Islands

 Pacific Data Hub

Issue 54, March 2009; safe drinking water for Tonga; Vanuatu: introduction to disaster management (IDM) course; post flood technical assessment conducted for Fiji and Solomon Islands

 Pacific Data Hub

Samoa technical report - review of volcanic hazard maps for Savai'i and Upolu, July 2006

 Pacific Data Hub

Assessment of petroleum potential of the Southern and Northern parts of the Tonga platform

 Pacific Data Hub

Improving sanitation and wastewater management for Pacific Islands, 13-19 August, South Tarawa, Kiribati, 25-29 August, Nuku'alofa, Tonga

 Pacific Data Hub

Training assessment report, course on improving sanitation and wastewater management for Pacific Island Countries, 24-28 October 2005, Suva, Fiji Islands

 Pacific Data Hub

Meeting and country mission report, Samoa, 24-28 January 2006

 Pacific Data Hub

Attendance at the strategic planning workshop: mainstreaming gender in water management for Southeast Asia, East Asia and the Pacific, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, 18-21 July 2007

 Pacific Data Hub

Water safety plans attachment and planning meeting, 14-18 April 2008, Auckland, Whangarei and Christchurch

 Pacific Data Hub

WSSCC annual planning meeting for NCS and RRS and global water safety plans conference, 5-9 May 2008 IEH, Geneva, Switzerland, 12-14 May, Lisbon, Portugal

 Pacific Data Hub

Practical training on sustainable sanitation for Kiribati, 26 March - 15 April 2007