19177 results
 OERC - Environmental Response and Coordination,  Palau

For the Ninth Pacific Islands Conference on Nature Conservation and Protected Areas December 2013, Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) commissioned an assessment of the status of biodiversity and conservation in Oceania. This report assesses the overall state of conservation in Palau using 16 indicators.

*this report wasn't published but was sent to country for checking (2013)* - to be used for the Regional SOE initiative 2019

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

SENTINEL-2 is a wide-swath, high-resolution, multi-spectral imaging mission, supporting Copernicus Land Monitoring studies, including the monitoring of vegetation, soil and water cover, as well as observation of inland waterways and coastal areas.

The SENTINEL-2 Multispectral Instrument (MSI) samples 13 spectral bands: four bands at 10 metres, six bands at 20 metres and three bands at 60 metres spatial resolution.

 Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD

Documentation on getting started with the Inform Data Portal

 Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD

The vision of the 9 year KJIP (Kiribati Joint Implementation Plan 2014-2023) is that; Kiribati unique culture, heritage and identity are upheld and safeguarded through enhanced resilience and sustainable development.

The goal is; to increase resilience through sustainable climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction using a whole of country approach.

 Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD

An analysis of Kiribati’s legislation to determine gaps, overlaps and conflicts. This analysis involves –

* An analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of existing legislation and proposed laws (Bills)

* An assessment of the effectiveness of the legislation in supporting the government to responsibly manage the environment and ensure the sustainable use and conservation of natural resources

 Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD

A user manual to assess and guide vulnerability assessment studies.

 Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD

This study describes the biodiversity values of Malden Island, and assesses the potential benefits, feasibility and costs of removing key invasive species.

 Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD

This small study is an initial feasibility study, designed to give some indication of the numbers of vehicles and the economics of any waste management system that might be appropriate to dealing with the problem. This study looks at two issues: what does it take to strip a typical wrecked Tarawa vehicle so that it can be recycled; and how many vehicles might there be in South Tarawa that need some waste management.

 Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD

This datase provides a direct internet link to access fish species information such as (names, distribution, taxonomy, habitats, behavior, genetic etc) for Kiribati

FishBase is a global species database of fish species (specifically finfish). It is the largest and most extensively accessed online database on adult finfish on the web.

 Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD

This dataset provides a direct internet link to easily access marine life information and data recorded for Kiribati on the Sea Life Base portal.

Sea Life Base is a global online database of information about marine life. It aims to provide key information on the taxonomy, distribution and ecology of all marine species in the world apart from finfish.

 Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) are prepared in accordance with local legislation and international lending institution safeguards, to assess the environmental and social impacts and risks of projects.

 Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD

A summary of marine and terrestrial eco-regions of Kiribati.

 Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD

The aim of the National Capacity Self Assessment is for countries that are Parties to the UNCBD, UNCCD and UNFCCC, to assess their own capacities and capacity development needs to address the requirements of the three convention.

 Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD

Kiribati 20 year vision development plan known as the KV20. The KV20 is Kiribati’s long term development blueprint for the period 2016-2036.

 Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD

ICUN Redlist category for Kiribati

 Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD

The Kiribati Ministry of Public Works and Utilities (MPWU) in collaboration with Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering (KRISO) with the support by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries of the Republic of Korea proposes to install a 1 MW Ocean Thermal Conversion (OTEC) on-shore facility at Bikenibeu on South Tarawa. An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) has therefore, been commissioned by the Ministry of Public Works and Utilities (MPWU) for the proposed 1 MW OTEC facility.

 Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD

A direct internet link to Kiribati's Integrated Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment (KIVA) database - a key instrument to identify and prepare a nation and its people to the risks posed by climate change and disaster.

 Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD

An old report on an entomological survey of Christmas Island.

 Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD

There is an increasing need for sand and gravel for building materials in Tarawa and on other atolls. However, supplies from overseas are expensive. Furthermore, the mining of local beaches contributes to coastal erosion and lacks sufficient quantities for the current and future requirements. An answer to these problems is to source supplies from the lagoon. A purpose-built vessel capable of dredging lagoon aggregates in Tarawa and further afield was available through a European Union grant. This EIA assesses the impacts such would do to the environment.