1217 results

The map is high resolution showing SPREP member countries' Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) boundaries overlaid on a bathymetric base layer that was developed by the GIS team at SPREP.

The map is low resolution showing SPREP member countries' Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) boundaries overlaid on a bathymetric base layer that was developed by the GIS team at SPREP.

PowerPoint presentation on the Inform project.

PowerPoint presentation on the building blocks and features of the environment data portals.

PowerPoint presentation with tips on good practices, when uploading data to the environment data portals.

End of SPREP internship presentation, July 2015. Sections: climate finance challenges, overview of climate finance in the Pacific, and next steps.

CSV file containing the global distribution of hydrothermal vent fields in WGS84 coordinate system.

From the Turtle Research and Monitoring Database System (TREDS)

From the Turtle Research and Monitoring Database System (TREDS)

From the Turtle Research and Monitoring Database System (TREDS)

From the Turtle Research and Monitoring Database System (TREDS)

From the Turtle Research and Monitoring Database System (TREDS)

From the Turtle Research and Monitoring Database System (TREDS)

This powerpoint presentation has instructions on Practical 1 &2 - Data Upload & Adding News and Events

Data sheet Import and Export values for Agriculture products, 1961 to 2011

The csv file contains an overview of all terrestrial and marine protected areas in the Cook Islands as of August 2019 from the WDPA.

