203 results

Geojson format of Tuvalu reefs

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The classification groups for the deepwater biological regions were driven by 30 environmental datasets including depth,
salinity and sea surface temperature.

*refer to pdf for more information*

reef associated bioregions of Vanuatu

*refer to pdf for more information*

Spatial file containing files of PA

Shapefile format for Protected Areas of Samoa

Shapefile polygon for PA of Samoa

Based on section 102 and 103 of the Act that amends the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, it describes the territorial sea as being established by twelve nautical miles' breadth. The inner boundary of the Territorial Sea of each island or atoll is the baseline. The outer boundary is a line, every point of which is twelve nautical miles seaward of the nearest point of the baseline.

This layer shows the 12M maritime zone for the Republic of Marshall Islands which is highlighted in the Marshall Islands Maritime Zone Act 2016.

Building foot prints

Districts in Samoa, limited metadata

GIS file (geojson format) displaying protected areas in Palau.