1062 results

Consumption of CFCs has remained reasonably constant in RMI since 1993. The data set out herein was collected by the international consultant on his visit to RMI. Data before 1995 is not considered reliable and is only an estimate of consumption at that time

The use of HCFCs is generally increasing in RMI, corresponding to the rise in use of the HCFC 22 in air conditioning and refrigeration equipment. Most of the consumption is for the foreign fishing fleet operating from the port in Majuro. Although this HCFC is not used in RMI, it must be counted as consumption by RMI as it is not being formally exported.

cvs version of the raw data recorded regarding the numer of piglets distributed to outer atolls

CSV file containing an overview of all terrestrial and marine protected areas in Marshall Islands. Status of August 2019 in the WDPA.

Polystyrene constitutes the largest waste category which supports the governments plans to ban polystyrene food packaging, cups and plates in 2020. **data extracted from the excel sheet**

Marine waste from Pacific Island Countries

excel file of the different measurements of the various beach lengths in Tonga

The outcomes of the PRotected Area Forum (PAF) is that the forum will enable protected area practitioners, researchers, academics, private sector, potential donors and local communities who manage or support protected areas in PNG, to share their experiences, insights and any lessons learnt in relation to factors impacting protected areas. It will identify and formulate national priorities for effective protected area management in the country. The results of the forum will contribute to the implementation of the Protected Area Policy.

This excel sheet is one of the cheat sheets, a part of the FIA database which you can download and use at this link https://www.fs.fed.us/pnw/rma/fia-topics/inventory-data

This raw data was generated from the 2015 Urban Local Level Government Workshop held in Port Moresby, PNG from the participants presentations.

.cvs format of the excel data on Piped Water Quality 2015

Figure 47: Dominant sources of GHGs in the Cook Islands, 2006. (Cook Islands Second National Communication under the UNFCCC, 2011)