1084 results

Watch this YouTube video to learn more about the InforMEA platform.

The BMIS website

CSV file containing species richness values and mapping parameters for marine species (with a probability of occurrence > 0.5) derived from AquaMaps. A total of 33,512 species were used in the generation of this file.
Coordinate system is WGS84 (ESPG 4326) with coordinates expressed in longitude and latitude.

Fields in this file are:
C-Square Code: unique identifier for grid
Longitude: longitude in decimal degrees
Latitude: latitude in decimal degrees
Species Count: number of species modeled at given point

Each value represents the number of dumping events observed on fishing vessels during the period 2003-2015

Link to online map viewer to search by geographic location, invasive species or eradication detail.
You can export and download your search results as a csv table or high resolution map.

Documentation for the SPREP Inform project - please refer to this site for all latest documents on the Data Portal and Indicator Reporting Tool.

Global Reef Expedition – online information

Global Reef Expedition – online information

Global Reef Expedition – online information

Global Reef Expedition – online information

Global Reef Expedition – online information

Global Reef Expedition – online information

Global Reef Expedition – online information

OpenDRI repository for the Pacific Region providing premier risk-related geospatial data sets.

Link to the geospatial data repository.

Link to the Mapping Ocean Wealth Explorer.