5902 results

The Framework takes into account the longer-term rehabilitation and reconstruction plans of the Government and local communities with an aim to capitalize on opportunities to reinvigorate existing policies and plans for disaster risk reduction and to rebuild communities better.

The ‘turtle tag and release’ partnership between the MNRE and Malua Theological College started in 2004 which an aim to tag and release some of the adult turtles that are kept in the pond when it is becoming overcrowded.

Assessing Samoa's situation with regard to sustainable development in the past decade.

* Saoluafata has prioritized the implementation of coastal protection mechanisms such as seawall, and re-vegetation, promote education and awareness programs, watershed management and reforestation programs.

* Lano community hope to see the uplift of the existing ford as the only solution to the flooding together with well planned drainage systems

This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union

A thorough presentation on issues pertaining to water and culture in Samoa

This handbook prescribes the technical requirements for the drafting of Acts and all types of subordinate legislation in Samoa.

National progress made and problems encountered in the implementation of the Mauritius Strategy

This report presents the results from the Biological Rapid Assessment Programme (BIORAP) of three Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) for the SMSMCL project.

Developing a vision for the next 50 years

This plan has been developed using extensive consultation with many groups.

Samoa's National Implementation Plan (NIP) for POPs was initiated and developed in partnership with the Government of Samoa and the Global Environment Facility (GEF). With funds made available from GEF through the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Samoa's Enabling Activity for POPs began, with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE) as the National Execution Agency.

Why mynas are a problem and what methods are currently been implemented to control and/or eradicate mynas from cities, islands, and countries.

This report focuses on marine turtles and attempts to give an account on the number and fate of marine turtles that were stranded on land after the tsunami waves.

National inventory of electrical and electronic wastes in Samoa in the year 2009

CVS version of the excel data on generated e-waste from government agencies

The objectives of this document include managing a number of key forest areas where the bird is still found, eliminating hunting as a threat to the birds, establishing new populations of the birds, improving our understanding of the bird through ecological research, investigating captive breeding as a conservation tactic, increasing public awareness and education about the need for bird conservation, promoting the partnerships that are necessary to implement the plan and establishing a special bird recovery group to monitor and guide plan implementation.

The Framework has been developed within the context of Samoa’s national development priorities and takes into account the need to protect the environment and human health.