1386 results

The agriculture and fisheries sectors sustained significant damage and loss. The worst hit agricultural areas are the southwest, central, and southern parts and the central highlands of Upolu island.

*data extracted from PDNA Evan 2012 report, pg 18 *

It has been found that 55 percent of disaster effects fall within public sector ownership, while the remaining 45
percent of effects are within private enterprises and individual ownership

csv file containing an overview of all terrestrial and marine protected areas in Samoa. Status of August 2019 in the WDPA.

This dataset contains information on improved agriculture varieties for 2011.

This dataset contains information on food and live animal exports and imports from 2005 to 2013.

This dataset contains information on households with access to private rainwater tanks for years in the range of 1986 to 2011.

CSV table of protected areas for Tuvalu with the WDPA.

This dataset has information on coral reef cover and fish in Cook Islands.

Average hard coral cover for all sites in 2013

Table extracted from the "Local Fisheries Regulations 1995" that details the minimum size of fish which may be sold or caught.

Table extracted from the Local Fisheries Regulations 1995 - listing the fish and invertebrates prohibited for sale

Table extracted from the Local Fisheries Regulations 1995 - this specifies the species of fish in respect of which the Director may declare a period or periods when fishing for such species is prohibited.

The nature of institutional e-wastes generation. The information indicates the quantities of write off electrical equipments from government ministries since 2005

*refer to page 11 of Inventory pdf report for more information*

CVS version of the excel data on generated e-waste from government agencies

FAOSTAT population data download 31/07/2018