526 results

Resource contains raster files for a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and derived hillshade for Nauru.

The ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) Version 3 (ASTGTM) provides a global digital elevation model (DEM) of land areas on Earth at a spatial resolution of 1 arc second (approximately 30 meter horizontal posting at the equator).

This resource contains satellite imagery for Nauru. The imagery was collected on May 9, 2020.

More specially, this resource contains a raster file of RGB imagery at 10-meter resolution, using Level-2A products when available. Level-2A products include atmospheric correction and represent bottom of atmosphere reflectance values in the images. When Level-2A products were not available, Level-1C (top of atmosphere) products were used.

The image was mosaicked from the following individual Sentinel-2 scenes:

Offshore fisheries data used for Nauru's State of Environment 2022 Report

The Allen Coral Atlas is a global-scale coral reef habitat mapping project that uses Planet Dove 3.7 m resolution daily satellite imagery (in combination with wave models and ecological data) to create consistent and high-detail global habitat maps to support reef-related science and conservation.
Global Benthic Habitat Maps characterize different coral reef bottom types. These bottom types include communities of living organisms attached to the reef (benthos), as well as sediments and underlying substrate.

Customary land registration processes can easily be captured by local ‘big men’ and companies with disastrous consequences for local people. This is the conclusion drawn in a study on recent oil palm expansion in Papua New Guinea by academic Caroline Hambloch from the University of London.

This paper analyses the perceptions of 120 landowner-households of Nanadai Clan of Gaire Village in Central Province and Sek Clan of Madang Province concerning breaking apart of communal ownership of customary land in PNG.

Sustainable Development

A prospective study was carried out at Losuia Health Centre (LHC), Alotau Provincial Hospital (APH) and Port Moresby General Hospital (PMGH) in PNG. At each setting >300 consecutive prescriptions were evaluated in 2010. Diagnosis and prescribing data were collected from written prescription orders, patient health books and by patient interview. The appropriateness of prescribing was evaluated with respect to the relevant PNG Health Department guidelines. Differences in prescribing indices were evaluated using chi-squared tests as appropriate.

Province, District and LLG (Local Level Government) Boundaries - shapefile format (zipped).

Global forest watch PNG forest cover loss 2000-2017 download from www.globalforestwatch.org

The development of Papua New Guinea National Oceans Policy is at an important juncture of the country’s history in that we recognize our land resources are gradually being exploited at a rapid pace in achieving our country’s Vision by 2050, responsible sustainable development measure; and, shift of the Government and our communities’ focus into the ocean sector must be embraced as the long term measure- “a No Regrets Option”.

Global climate change initiatives to reduce emissions from avoided deforestation and degradation (REDD) represent both a threat and opportunity for the Malaysian logging corporation ‘Rimbunan Hijau’, the largest forestry operator in Papua New Guinea. Although Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation in developing countries is first and foremost a climate change mitigation option, it also has the potential to generate benefits for indigenous and local communities (UNEP 2010).

The proposed sites have yet to be endorsed however they were identified through the biorap mission

The zip-file contains 2 shapefiles (points and polygons), displaying the protected areas in the Marshall Islands.

Pic 1 : Enewetak before the atomic testings
Pic 2 : The crater formed by the Ivy Mike nuclear test can be seen on the northeast cape of the atoll

Images from November 1979 during tropical Storm Alice approached the Marshall Islands