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Official DKAN data portal user manual (comprehensive)

User guide on getting started with the Inform Data Portal

The overall aim of this handbook is to offer a guide that brings together important information about disaster management and response for Palau in an effort to provide a basic understanding for the reader.

Soil properties that affect land use are described in this soil survey. Broad areas of soils are shown on the general soil map. The location of each soil is shown on the detailed soil maps. Each soil in the survey area is described. Information on specific uses is given for each soil.

Official DKAN data portal user manual.

User guide on getting started with the Inform Data Portal

Official DKAN data portal user manual.

A final draft version of a paper that analyses whether Poverty would be an issue for the Government. The main data used for this analysis was based on the 2006 Household Income and Expenditure survey.

This report was prepared by Nauru’s National Committee on Climate Change with the assistance of the Energy Unit of the South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC), and approved by the Government of the Republic of Nauru.

The second national communication to the UNFCCC. This report was prepared and published by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Environment

Official submission to the CBD.

The report was developed for the purpose of the higher ground project to understand the impacts of sea level rise and the need to develop the higher ground in Nauru. The author of the report is NIWA.

A traditional sport called Ibbon Itsi is an annual competition that last about a week, where men try and catch as many frigate birds as possible. Tame frigate birds are used to lure other frigate birds.