4601 results

This was an integrated effort by all concerned with the coastline in Tonga.

Integrated Coastal management applied conscious management process that acknowledge the interrelationships among most coastal and ocean uses and the environment that potentially affected.

The study was a remarkably productive and enriching experience for all who were involved. It became a forum for critical reflections and analysis. It also built a knowledge and understanding amongst different communities, villages and the survey team.

Water Resources Report 1992, Appendices A-H

Water Resources Report 1992, Appendices I-K

Water Resources Report 1992 : Appendices L-O

Water Resources Report 1992, Fig 4.1-5.17

Water Resources Report 1992, Figs 5.17-5.53

This report, one of a series of reports from the Tonga Water Supply Master Plan Study, presents the findings of a recent water resources study of the islands in the Kingdom of Tonga. It summarises previous work, documents recent and current investigations and recommends further investigations to gain a better understanding of the water resources. It also outlines details of a proposed national monitoring and protection programme and makes recommendations about legislation for water resource management and protection.

The following study by Mr Furness is his summation of these labours of three years. It is a valuable document for future water management in Tonga and testimony to his professional dedication and his commitment to the Tongan people.

Report "Marine Atlas. Maximizing Benefits for Solomon Islands."


For Ridge to Reef Consultancy Announcement

State of Palau’s Birds. Koror: Belau National Museum 2014

Tonga State of Environment Report 2018 - high resolution version best for print.

The map shows landcover and vegetation impact of the Hunga Tonga Hunga Haápai volcanic eruption on the Tonga Island group.

PNG is endowed with rich natural resources and culture and is known as one of the cultural and mega biodiversity hotspots globally. Located on the eastern part of the island of New Guinea, PNG contains roughly 1 percent of the global landmass, with four major islands and over 600 islands and atolls. PNG also has one of the diverse reef system in the world and has a total of 3.12 square kilometers of economic exclusive zone (EEZ) of marine territory. Over 840 spoken languages exist and spoken by over 1000 different tribes.

It is desirable that all citizens of Papua New Guinea (PNG), wherever they live, have access to potable water and an appropriate standard of sewerage collection and treatment. Unfortunately, PNG‘s rugged geography makes that difficult, if not impossible, to achieve. Most of PNG‘s people live in rural areas (with over 85% of the population depending on semi-subsistence agriculture) and lack access to safe drinking water or sanitation. Apart from the cities of Port Moresby and Lae, urban areas are mostly small towns with fewer than 1,000 households.