524 results

Merilyn Tahi, Vanuatu Women's Centre Coordinator, explains research conducted about violence against women in Vanuatu.

Eribwebwe Takirua, Police Inspector from the Domestic Violence and Sexual Offences Unit, reflects on challenges in address violence against women in Kiribati.

Advocates from across the region reflect on growing efforts to involve boys and men in the prevention of violence against women.

Alvina Erekali explains UN Women's Markets for Change program.

Women from the Highlands of Papua New Guinea reflect on their experiences of running for local government elections.

Hear from Monica Paulus from the Women's Human Rights Defenders Network (WHRDN) in Papua New Guinea.

This video provides an overview of Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development to support gender equality approaches in the Pacific.

This video provides an overview of Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development to support gender equality approaches in the Pacific.

This song was written and performed by Pacific adolescent girls during their two-day preparatory workshop ahead of the Pacific Girl Regional Stakeholders’ Dialogue (12–16 May 2018 in Suva, Fiji).

This video was developed as part of the design consultation for the Pacific Girl program. It contains excerpts of interviews with Pacific adolescent girls about the issues that are most important to them.

All plants and animals classified by kingdom, habitats. Biodiversity data.

Vertebrates and Invertebrates 2014 or older

Data from: T & J Rongo 2004 - Capacity and Future Needs to survey and conserve vairakau plants Report

Traditional leaders, Island Councils, communities and government have all contributed to the establishment and management of PAs. Most Cook Islands PAs are not covered by legislation, and the few that are legislated vary in their levels of protection. Only three of the 14 terrestrial PAs are covered by formal government-based legislations and regulations, which include the Suwarrow National Park Declaration, Takutea Island Regulations and Takuvaine Water Catchment Regulations.

Annual catch for FSM - flagged and national fleet within WCPFC convention area.

Data Extracted from the Pacific Regional Energy Assessment 2004 - FSM National Report pdf

*volume estimated from dollar value of imports shown by FSM customs data. Accuracy is dubious*

Fish Market Data Sales in 2004 - 2018 total