4612 results

Consumer Price Index report 2019

The National Nuclear Commission's Coordinated Action for Nuclear Justice. Published in 2019, it the strategy covers 5 pillars; compensation, health care, environment, national capacity, and education and awareness.

Memorandum of Understanding between the National Nuclear Commission and the Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority to monitor radiological elements in our waters.

Memorandum of Understanding between the National Nuclear Commission and the Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority to monitor radiological elements in the environment.

Republic of the Marshall Islands' Parliament enacted the RMI National Nuclear Commission Act of 2017 for the establishment of the National Nuclear Commission to develop a detailed Nuclear Justice National Strategy Plan.

RMI's National Energy Policy and Action Plan 2016

Technical and Financial Pathways on achieving RMI's NDC's.

National Energy Act, 2018

Published by the National Nuclear Commission as a guideline for researchers and study abroad instructors who are doing research on the Marshall Islands Nuclear Legacy.

Published by the National Nuclear Commission as a guideline for researchers and study abroad instructors who are interested in the Marshall Islands nuclear legacy

Published by the NNC as a guideline for journalists and media who are documenting the Marshall Islands nuclear legacy

Published by the NNC as a guideline for journalists and media who are documenting the Marshall Islands nuclear legacy.

Lecture on the country-specific data and QGIS overview.

Lecture on the fundamentals of GPS devices and systems and how to set coordinate systems.

Workbook containing exercises on viewing data, creating/editing datasets, producing maps, and importing GPS data using country-specific datasets to aid in the collection and mapping of protected areas.

Majuro Atoll Solid Waste Management and Action Plan 2019-2023

This brochure is one output from a two-year Technical Cooperation Programme Project, on strengthening the national capacities of Pacific Island Countries to monitor Sustainable Development Goals Target 2.1 using information collected in their most recent or ongoing national Household Income and Expenditure Survey.