61780 results

The full global assessment can be downloaded from the GCRMN website.

This report on the State of the Climate in South-West Pacific 2020 is the first of its kind for this region and a milestone multi-agency effort to deliver informed climate analysis and climate change trends.

Circular cover letter that was sent out on 1st December 2021

Proposed Project Objective: Enhanced use of data for decision making in the environment sector throughout the Pacific region. Building on the tools and momentum the Inform project established, this scaled up project will expand the user base and fill significant gaps including in situ monitoring, increased partnerships between the environment ministries and other ministries, increase use of spatial tools, and the establishment of standardise environmental standards and key indicators for key resources.

Focusing management efforts on thermal refugia may only be effective in the short-term. Promoting adaptation to higher temperatures and facilitating migration will instead be needed to secure coral reef survival.

The map shows the location of the Hunga Tonga - Hunga Ha’apai volcanoe in relation to the surrounding pacific island countries.

Second Official Update and Media Release of the Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha’apai Volcanic Eruption.

Damage assessment as detected from a Pleiades image acquired on 18 January 2022 in Nomuka Island (Mu'omu'a district, Tonga).

260 structures identified, 52 structures were identified as damaged and/or destroyed, 13 as potentially flooded and almost all structures were covered with ash. This is a preliminary analysis and has not yet been validated in the field


The NDS focuses on two key areas; social and economic livelihoods, hence its National Vision “**Improving the Social and Economic Livelihoods of all Solomon Islanders”.**

This is an example map from the Solomon Islands Marine Atlas. A series of maps from the Marine Atlas are uploaded as separate datasets to this portal. Use the search box or filter by the keyword/tag "maps".

a direct internet link to access MACBIO Pacific website

Technical report of survey conducted May 13 to June 17, 2004.

The outputs of these activities would inform MECDM’s outcomes under the MESCAL-SI project in the development of:
1. Mangrove management policies, plans and legislation at national and provincial levels;
2. National, provincial and local level advocacy material and capacity in mangrove co-management.

he 33 deepwater bioregions for the Solomon Islands were condensed into 26 bioregions. The major changes were made to the northwestern side of the Solomon Islands EEZ; there was general agreement about the deepwater bioregions in the southeastern half of the country. Bioregions 120, 164, 167, 192, 244, and 304 were merged with Bioregion 222. Bioregion 226 was split into two halves, and one part of the non-contiguous Bioregion 240 (the part closer to the islands) was merged with 222.

reef-associated bioregions for the Solomon Islands

The resulting marine bioregions of the Solomon Islands as stated in this report will provide a biological and environmental basis for the nation’s MSP process. Specifically, it allows for the identification of candidate sites for an ecologically-representative system of MPAs in the country.

spatial dataset with revised deepwater bioregions (Source: MACBIO)