62243 results

All data for Population structure by age

Detailed metadata dictionary for Population structure by age

All data for Olympic games

All data for NEET - Youth not in education, employment or training (15-24 years)

Detailed metadata dictionary for NEET - Youth not in education, employment or training (15-24 years)

All data for Population by labour force and employment status

Detailed metadata dictionary for Population by labour force and employment status

All data for About PICTs

All data for Selection of indicators from the Human Rights Measurement Initiative (HRMI)

Detailed metadata dictionary for Selection of indicators from the Human Rights Measurement Initiative (HRMI)

All data for Household expenditure

Detailed metadata dictionary for Household expenditure

All data for Household counts, population and average household size

All data for Health facilities

Detailed metadata dictionary for Health facilities

All data for Health indicators

Detailed metadata dictionary for Health indicators

All data for Government Finance Statistics

Detailed metadata dictionary for Government Finance Statistics

All data for Food nutrients