62243 results

Detailed metadata dictionary for Food nutrients

All data for Energy indicators

All data for Labour force participation rates and unemployment rates

Detailed metadata dictionary for Labour force participation rates and unemployment rates

All data for Employed population by education, occupation and economic sector

Detailed metadata dictionary for Employed population by education, occupation and economic sector

All data for COVID-19 economic lead indicators

All data for Disability statistics

Detailed metadata dictionary for Disability statistics

All data for Crops and livestock products

Detailed metadata dictionary for Crops and livestock products

All data for COVID-19 vaccination

Detailed metadata dictionary for COVID-19 vaccination

All data for COVID-19 status of Pacific Island Countries and Territories

All data for COVID-19 cases in Pacific Island Countries and Territories

Detailed metadata dictionary for COVID-19 cases in Pacific Island Countries and Territories

All data for Balance of payments

Detailed metadata dictionary for Balance of payments

This is a shapefile layer that shows the global EEZ. It can be opened in any GIS software.

This is a kml file that shows the Global EEZ. It can be opened in QGIS and Google Earth.