6921 results
 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment

A report on a regional wastewater management meeting held in 2001 in Majuro, Marshall Islands. 15 pages

Vision - protect the health of the people and safeguard our fragile environment through improved, effective and efficient management of wastewater.

Introduction - Global Programme of Action for the the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities identifies priority action on sewage. The Waste Water Framework provides guiding principles and policies for future development and cooperation. 

This report culminates the findings of the Household Income and Expenditure Survey that was undertaken
from September 2012 to the end of August 2013.

a jpg version of the report

 Climate Change Directorate

harvesting fresh water using minimal urban technologies in Ailuk

User guide on getting started with the Inform Data Portal

Official DKAN data portal user manual (comprehensive)

This Kiribati Joint Implementation Plan on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management (KJIP) has been
developed to reduce the vulnerabilities to the impacts of climate change and disaster risks and to coordinate
priorities so that every single dollar spent will derive maximum value.

The review includes an assessment of institutional capacities, synergies and inter-linkages with the objective of delivering an efficient and sustainable waste management service

This Kiribati V&A Assessment Methodology (KVAAM) is prepared as a tool to assess studies and assessment reports that have already been prepared. It will also assist in determining whether, from much of the information already available in reports on the vulnerability of Kiribati to climate change, additional information is needed.
to undertake more studies. I

This study was undertaken with the Government of Kiribati to examine the biodiversity benefits,feasibility and costs of removing key predators from Malden Island. If Malden could be made predator-free it could potentially provide an important seabird island and back-up to Kiritimati (Christmas Island) which is the global stronghold for Phoenix petrels (Pterodroma alba) and White-throated storm-petrels (Nesofregetta fuliginosa), and supports other important seabird and landbird populations

This plan covers the operations to eradicate feral cats (Felis catus) from Malden Island, an uninhabited Wildlife Sanctuary within the southern Line Island group, part of the Republic of Kiribati.

This study deals with the mechanics of stripping a typical vehicle, and the associated economics attempts to make some estimates of vehicles available for reprocessing today, and future projections based on import data.

Kiribati 20 year vision development plan known as the KV20. The KV20 is Kiribati’s long term development blueprint for the period 2016-2036.

The collections were made on the northern portion or" the island in the vicinity of the "Main Camp" and airport, as indicated on the map.

The overall impact of the dredging on the general area is thought to be low due to the amount of aggregate required in terms of both daily activity and total annual extraction, while the specialized clamshell grab and side release spillover design is thought to limit the sediment plume.

The Republic of Kiribati requested assistance from the US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry, to conduct a survey of invasive plant species of environmental concern. The survey was carried out in August and September 2003.