10 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Record captures Vanuatu 2006 - 2012 lubricating oil imports. Import data captured by year, HS Code, description, supply units, gross mass, statistical value. HS Codes captured for lubricating oil are:

  • 27101910 - lubricating oils and mineral turpentine
  • 27101920 - grease
  • 27101990 - other
  • 27109900 - Other

The data is attached here as it was provided to SPC.

 Pacific Data Hub

This record captures Tuvalu petroleum product imports for the period 2006 - 2014.  Data is captured monthly and by fuel type: Diesel (ADF) Unleaded petrol (ULP, also known as benzene at the retailers) Kerosene - dual purpose kerosene (DPK).

Data was sourced by the Tuvalu Department of Energy directly from the fuel importers and aggregated here by fuel type. Listed below are the various importing parties by Tuvalu over the years:

 Pacific Data Hub

This record captures 2012 -  2014 petroleum product imports for Tonga. Data is sourced from the 2012 -  2014 Tonga International Merchandise Trade Report. Selected petroleum product imports are extracted with the exception of bitumin, peat, gases excluding petroleum gas. types of petroleum fuel (diesel, petrol, jet fuel , avgas), gases, and lubricants. Products captured here are from Section 5 of the HS Code Manual - Mineral Products, Chapter 27, HS Codes : 2701, 2706 - 2713, 3403 (lubricants). 

 Pacific Data Hub

Dataset captures the overall petroleum products imported into Tonga from 2007 - 2011. Products captured include all petroleum products i.e. diesel, motor spirit, kerosene, LPG, and Lubricants. Data is captured by date of entry, country of origin, description of the goods, unit, quantity and CIF value. Data is produced by the Tonga Customs Office with sensitive information removed. Data was provided by the Tonga Energy Roadmap Implementation Unit (TERM IU) Office. 2007 data set is lacking the description of the fuel, however data becomes more detailed with the recent years.

 Pacific Data Hub

This record holds RMI fuel imports for 2007 - 2014. Data provided by RMI Customs via Energy Planning DIvision. The RMI Customs Office don't record their import data in ASYCUDA database as compared to other PICs. Records are kept in Excel sheets and are not recorded by HS Codes. Attached here are individual year reports from the Customs Office and a summary excel sheet of all fuel imported from 2005 - 2014. Data captures imports by MOBIL, DAR, PII, but excludes MEC imports. Data is captured for gasoline, diesel, jet fuel and LPG.

 Pacific Data Hub

Kiribati local buying prices 1980 - 2012. Data sourced through the Kiribati Statistics Office. Prices are given for Gilbert Islands, Christmas Island, Fanning Island and Washington Island in cents/kg.

 Pacific Data Hub

Kiribati copra production by island, 1993 - 2013. Data sourced through the Kiribati Statistics Office.

 Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment,  Climate Change,  Disaster Management and Meteorology

Renewable energy country profile for the Solomon Islands from the International Renewable Energy Agency.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Regional data on marine pollution: observer pollution events. Marine pollution from ships and waste incidents per country in the Pacific region. Waste composition includes: general garbage, plastics, old fishing gears, metals, waste oils, chemicals.