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Vanuatu, 2006 - 2012, Lubricating Oil Imports

Record captures Vanuatu 2006 - 2012 lubricating oil imports. Import data captured by year, HS Code, description, supply units, gross mass, statistical value. HS Codes captured for lubricating oil are:

  • 27101910 - lubricating oils and mineral turpentine
  • 27101920 - grease
  • 27101990 - other
  • 27109900 - Other

The data is attached here as it was provided to SPC.

Field Value
Publisher Pacific Data Hub
Modified 25 August 2021
Source URL
Identifier 5252b5df-74ad-4daf-acda-472b45f4315c
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location Vanuatu
Relevant Countries
License Public
[Open Data]