1925 results

All data for Government Finance Statistics in percentage of GDP (current prices) for Tokelau

All data for Government Finance Statistics in percentage of GDP (current prices) for Solomon Islands

All data for Government Finance Statistics in percentage of GDP (current prices) for Papua New Guinea

All data for Government Finance Statistics in percentage of GDP (current prices) for Nauru

All data for Government Finance Statistics in percentage of GDP (current prices) for Marshall Islands

All data for Government Finance Statistics in percentage of GDP (current prices) for Micronesia (Federated States of)

All data for Government Finance Statistics in percentage of GDP (current prices) for Fiji

All data for Government Finance Statistics in percentage of GDP (current prices) for Cook Islands

All data for Government Finance Statistics in USD (current prices) for Samoa

All data for Government Finance Statistics in USD (current prices) for Vanuatu

All data for Government Finance Statistics in USD (current prices) for Tonga

All data for Government Finance Statistics in USD (current prices) for Tokelau

All data for Government Finance Statistics in USD (current prices) for Solomon Islands

All data for Government Finance Statistics in USD (current prices) for Papua New Guinea

All data for Government Finance Statistics in USD (current prices) for Nauru

All data for Government Finance Statistics in USD (current prices) for Marshall Islands

All data for Government Finance Statistics in USD (current prices) for Micronesia (Federated States of)

All data for Government Finance Statistics in USD (current prices) for Fiji

Scientific data collected on the _Westward, Corwith Cramer,_ and _Robert C. Seamans_ are invaluable products of SEA’s educational research programs. SEA supports dissemination and sharing of data with educators and researchers to benefit the broader science community and the public. We aim to encourage and ensure fair access to SEA data while also preserving the intellectual property of individual researchers and seeking opportunities for collaboration.