1879 results

All data for National Minimum Development Indicators (NMDI) for Human Development

All data for National Minimum Development Indicators (NMDI) - All indicators

All data for NEET - Youth not in education, employment or training (15-24 years)

All data for Gross Domestic Product for Pacific Island Countries and Territories

All data for Population by labour force and employment status

All data for International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS)

All data for Household expenditure

All data for Household counts, population and average household size

All data for Health indicators

All data for Government Finance Statistics

All data for Food nutrients

All data for Labour force participation rates and unemployment rates

All data for Employed population by education, occupation and economic sector

All data for COVID-19 economic lead indicators

All data for Currency exchange rates

All data for Crops

All data for Inflation rates

All data for COVID-19 vaccination

All data for COVID-19 cases in Pacific Island Countries and Territories

All data for Selected International Commodity Prices