1915 results

The Piu Biogas system is located in Falealili District. The Biogas system is in pilot phase where it is co managed by both the Ministry of Natural Resources - Renewable Energy Division and the Community of Piu.
This photo was uploaded by Roland

Excel spread sheet of waste data for commercial business sector in Buala in 2014.

This is a Chart which illustrates the different types of wastes composed in the household waste stream in Buala in 2014.

Marine waste incidences per country reported by observers

This represents sub-sectors within the Cropland category (which is 7.77 of total land)

The respective question asked in the 2009 census was “Does this household have any livestock?”, and answer boxes were provided for the number of cows, pigs, goats, horses, and poultry.

Global Forest Watch data. Tree cover loss is not the same as deforestation. Tree cover loss means the removal of tree canopy due to human and natural causes, and includes trees in plantations as well as natural forests.

Map displaying tree cover loss with > 30% canopy density, between 2001-2018. Tree cover loss is not always deforestation. Global Forest Watch data.

population trend from 1931-2009.

the rate of population growth from 1931 - 2009

This is the cvs format of the Honiara Ecosystem Services data in the excel file

This is a shapefile layer that shows the 12 nautical miles zone for Niue. It can be opened in any GIS software.