8102 results
 Smithsonian Institution

In a typical High Island coral reef complex of French Polynesia (transect of Tiahura, Hoorea Island, Society Archipelago!, 73 species of decapod Reptantia and stomatopod crustaceans were collected. Over 9 stations localised along the transect, 3 different units of hard coral substrate of simi1ar volume (about 17 litres each), were sampled at each station. The results are discussed from two aspects : the first shows that at least 50 carcinologic species occur within the cavitary biotopes ; 16 species (mainly Xanthid crabs), represent more than 90% of all collected individuals.

 The Smithsonian Institution

Tongatapu, like Tahiti, was visited by many early
European navigators and was one of the first of the South
Pacific islands to be charted in any detail. Though it was
discovered (and named Amsterdam Island) by Tasman in
January 1643 (Sharp 1968, 152-158), the first comments on
the sand cays of the surrounding reefs were made by Cook
during his second voyage, with the Resolution and Adventure,
in October 1773. On this occasion Cook spent less than a
week at Tongatapu, anchored in the northwest, and commented

 Smithsonian Institution

During the period February 13 to 20, 1973, a visit was made to Canton Island for the purpose of conducting a preliminary survey of marine turtle nesting populations. Although previous investigators have described the sea birds (Buddle, 1938; Murphy G., 1954), insects (Van Zwaluwenburg, 1943, 1955), and vegetation (Hatheway, 1955), very little is known about the marine environment of Canton or the other seven atolls (Enderbury, Birnie, Phoenix, Sydney, Hull, Gardner and McKean) which comprise the Phoenix group.

 Palau Conservation Society

Palau is blessed with a wealth of natural resources. We enjoy clean air, clean water, abundant marine life, and healthy, productive reefs. Our stunning Rock Islands and majestic dive sites continue to draw admiration from around the world. But Patau's wealth is not just found in its natural resources. Palau has also been blessed with a wealth of human resources and technical capabilities. The population of Palau is well educated and highly talented, and makes use of the most advanced computer and development techniques on a daily basis.

 The Smithsonian Institution

On the 21st of October, 1972, hurricane "Bebe" devas-
tated a large part of Funafuti atoll, Ellice Islands. Among
the most spectacular geomorphological alterations caused by the
hurricane was a storm beach 19 km long, 4 m high and 37 m wide.

 International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN)

Bioenergy occupies a unique position at the nexus of energy, environment, climate change and rural development agendas. Consequently, bioenergy and biofuels in particular, have seen
record levels of support in the form of subsidies, mandates and investments as governments seek to maximize the perceived synergies between the various opportunities offered by bioenergy. Whilst it is true that well- planned bioenergy development can reduce greenhouse gas emissions from a range of sources, increase rural incomes, reduce waste, improve access

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

Guam is the southernmost island in the Mariana Islands
Archipelago. Of all the islands in Micronesia, Guam is the
largest in terms of both land area (543 sq km) and population

 Smithsonian Institution

Kwajalein is a crescent-shaped atoll that lies between 09°25' and 08°40'N and between 166°50' and 167°45'E, near the center o£ the western (Ralik) chain of the Marshall Islands (Figure 1). Composed of more than 90 islets, largely uninhabited, Kwajalein Atoll extends about 75 miles from southeast to northwest. It has a land area of about 6 square miles (3,854 acres) (Global Associates 1987), an increase of about 263 acres over the original area that was brought about by filling of land on Kwajalein, Roi-Namur, and Meek Islands.

Available online

 Department of Conservation (DOC)

This report provides a comprehensive yet simple guide to the construction and use of a Geographic Information System (GIS) for collating, analysing, updating and managing data in wildlife management or research projects. The spatial analysis of yellow-eyed penguin (hoiho, Megadyptes antipodes) nest site data

 The Smithsonian Institution

Recent studies have shown that many coral reefs are capable of
yielding a total fish catch of 18- 24 T.Km-2 (Hill, 1978; Alcala,
1981; Munro, 1987). There are, however, no estimates for the
productivity and yield of fishes associated with coral reefs in
French Polynesia. This study was designed to determine the fisheries yield from a part of the fringing reef on the island of Moorea, French Polynesia.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 22 p.

 The Smithsonian Institution

Island ecosystems have proven to be particularly sensitive to
human disturbances (Bourne 1975; Byrne 1980; Jarvis 1979). This was first noted by Charles Darwin in the explanation of his theory of natural selection (Byrne 1980). Since then, qualities of insular species have been examined by various authors in an attempt to understand the basis for island vulnerability.

Available online

Call Number: [EL],VF 2783

Physical Description: 34 p.

 The Smithsonian Institution

Christmas island3, the largest atoll in the world in terms of

 International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN)

Coral reefs are vital ecosystems, providing a source of income, food arid coastal protection for millions of people; arid recent studies have shown that coral reef goods and services provide an annual net benefit of US$30 billion to economies worldwide

 Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Meteorology (MNREM)

Samoa has retained the same ruling governing party of the last 20 years as its government for the next five years after the general elections in early March 2006. After years in power since 1985, the Human Rights Political Party (HRPP) continues to advance its 9 focus on enhancing the macroeconomic stability of the country. Apart from reliance on traditional mainstays such as agriculture and remittances, it targeted growth led by the construction, other manufacturing, hotels and restaurants, transport and communication sectors.

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Number of permits and consents approved from Jan - Mar 2018

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Offshore Environment Tuna, Sharks and other targeted species Cook Islands

15xpdf 2xdocx 2xdoc
 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Data on Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) including Greenhouse Gases

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Forest resources country reports for Cook Islands

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Medicinal Use of Plants Cook Islands 2016 or older

 Department of Environment,  Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM),  FSM

This dataset shows the extent and basic types of sea grass areas around Pohnpei. It classifies sea grass areas by one of the three main species (Cymodocea rotundata, Thalassia hemprichii, and Enhalus acaroides) and the level of coverage (describes as continuous, aggregated, and isolated). The data source is McKenzie, L.J. and Rasheed, M.J. (2006), Seagrasses: Pohnpei Island and And Atoll Marine Assessment, Technical report of survey conducted 26 October 3 November 2005, SeagrassWatch HQ, DPI&F, Cairns, 60pp.