4 results
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

The Mapping Ocean Wealth data viewer is a live online resource for sharing understanding of the value of marine and coastal ecosystems to people. It includes global maps, regionally-specific studies, reference data, and a number of “apps” providing key data analytics. Maps and apps can be opened according to key themes or geographies. The navigator the left of the maps enables you to add or remove any additional map layers as you explore. Information keys explain how the maps were made and provide additional links. Further information and resources can be found on Oceanwealth.org

 Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment,  Climate Change,  Disaster Management and Meteorology

Map developed by MACBIO for the bioregions workshop (Feb 2018). The Global Human Impact of Marine Ecosystems Project distributed national total catch values form FAO data into 1 km^2 cells using a spatial model to show intensity of artisanal fishing.

 Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment,  Climate Change,  Disaster Management and Meteorology

Maps showing different aspects of tuna catch data within Solomon Islands EEZ. Maps were developed by MACBIO as resource for the bioregions workshop in Feb 2018.

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Offshore Environment Tuna, Sharks and other targeted species Cook Islands

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